Unable to import csv by sqlimport
Hey Team,
Im trying to import the below csv file data-
Gould, Cherokee
Mccall, Quyn
Blair, Jerome
Norris, Austin
Bush, Vera
Bryant, Macy
Bray, Raphael
Kelley, Drake
Moore, Yardley
Compton, Pascale
Howell, Martena
But i get the below error during its mysqlimport operation-
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin>.\mysqlimport.exe Events h:\Desktop\Nameslist.csv -u root -h dcw01 -vr --local -p --fields-enclo
Enter password: ********
Connecting to dcw01
Selecting database Events
Loading data from LOCAL file: h:/Desktop/Nameslist.csv into Nameslist
.\mysqlimport.exe: Error: 1083, Field separator argument is not what is expected; check the manual, when using table: Nameslist
Do suggest how this can be fixed.
Cheers, Alan.