problem working with mysql monitor dashboard
Posted by: geetanjali mehra
Date: January 28, 2014 04:02AM

Hello to all,

I am new in mysql. I am trying to work with mysql monitor 3.0. Following is the setup that I have used. Please correct me where I am wrong.

I downloaded
mysqlmonitor- for service manager and
mysqlmonitoragent- for the agent


I enterd following values when insatller prompts:

Installtion Directory: /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor

Tomcat Server port : 18080
Tomcat SSL Port: 18443

Service manager User Account: mysqlmem

database installtion: I wish to use an bundled mysql database.

REpository user name: service_manager
After entering password,

MySQL database port: 13306

Use SSL when connecting to the database box is uncheck.

After Installation, I start the browser to open Enterprise manager's first UI.

Create Manager User: admin
password: ******

Create agent user: agent_user
password: ******

Rest I used all the defaults.

After completing the setup, it shows me that I logged in as admin user.

But he is enable to do anything with the UI. He cannot create group. No mysql instances are being displayed here, no monitored hosts are being

displayed here. I read that mysql monitor 3.0 has now built-in agent. So, according to me there should be some monitored hosts in the UI window.


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problem working with mysql monitor dashboard
January 28, 2014 04:02AM

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