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Primary Key duplication on insert
Posted by: John Pearcey
Date: July 22, 2008 09:13AM

I have a database table with 9 columns, the first field is the primary key and is the only index on the table. It is set to auto_increment. I have been using the JDBC from Java to insert records into this table for about 6 months and there have been no problems until last night. I have just over 850000 rows in the table and the JDBC failed to insert a record complaining of a duplicate key. I do not specify the key since it is auto_increment and I let the database handle it so I was a bit perplexed as to where the problem might be. My quick and dirty solution was to make a copy of the table using mysqldump and then truncate it. Inserts are now working correctly.

I'm obviously going to need to do a lot more work to track this down so I thought I'd ask whether anyone else has experienced a problem like this first.

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Primary Key duplication on insert
July 22, 2008 09:13AM

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