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Proxy as Virtual DB?
Posted by: Gerry Reno
Date: July 06, 2007 09:09AM

Can MySQL Proxy be used to create a Virtual DB in the same context as Linux Virtual Server (LVS) creates virtual webserver, mail server, etc.?

If this is true then for Linux, will MySQL proxy use IPVS in kernel?

Next, is MySQL Proxy intended to run as single process that handles all filtering/balancing functionality in one go via configuration like:

client --> proxy( rw split (r) --> load balancer(reads) ) --> mysqld(r)
(w) --> load balancer(writes) ) --> mysqld(w)

or is it more like it can be series of processes each implementing a different feature that are chained together:?

client --> proxy(rw split) (r)--> proxy(load balancer(reads)) --> mysqld(r)
(w)--> proxy(load balancer(writes)) --> mysqld(w)


Sorry, but the forum appears to eat ascii art whitespace.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2007 09:11AM by Gerry Reno.

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Proxy as Virtual DB?
July 06, 2007 09:09AM
July 06, 2007 09:27AM
July 06, 2007 09:45AM

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