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Re: Filtering - Injection - Redirection
Posted by: Gerry Reno
Date: July 10, 2007 10:42AM

Jan Kneschke Wrote:
> The slave load balancing is already in since a
> while:
> * yes, it picks the one with the least active
> connections

> * yes, you can pick the one with the least slave
> delay (see other thread)
Just to clarify. When you say "you can pick..." Are you saying that we can just configure mysql-proxy to use a load balance algorithm that is known as Least Slave Delay or that we will actually have to do something manual?

> * yes, it takes slave out which are unreachable.
> Jan


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July 09, 2007 12:18PM
Re: Filtering - Injection - Redirection
July 10, 2007 10:42AM

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