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Re: Connection pooling trouble with multiple users
Posted by: Jan Kneschke
Date: August 26, 2007 09:04AM

I started to add seperate connection pools for each user, but this won't help you very much.

The problem in your case that the username part of the read_handshake packet which is sent as the 3rd packet on the communication between client and server. This makes transparent splitting the connections on user-name basicly impossible.

The only way to circumvent it is letting the applications auth against the proxy and the proxy knows the cleartext passwords for each account and can auth against a backend afterwards itself. In this way the proxy isn't transparent anymore as you have to store the user:password combinations in clear-text. Is this an option for you ?

Jan Kneschke, MySQL Enterprise Tools

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Re: Connection pooling trouble with multiple users
August 26, 2007 09:04AM

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