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Data recovery
Posted by: Kayra Otaner
Date: August 22, 2007 02:38PM

On "What's New in MySQL 5.1" page of the documentation ( I see this statement :

"In MySQL versions previous to 5.1.6, the NDBCluster storage engine was strictly in-memory; beginning with MySQL 5.1.6, it is possible to store Cluster data (but not indexes) on disk."

This makes me think that ALL data, including indexed columns, is completely stored on the disk. However on "Disk Data Storage Requirements" page of the documentation ( I see this statement :

"In a Disk Data table, the first 256 bytes of a TEXT or BLOB column are stored in memory; only the remainder is stored on disk."

If text/blog type columns are used, I wonder if data recovery is 100% possible when power is lost to all NDB nodes.
Also some some other documentation pages states that only 'non-indexed' columns are stored on disk. Does this also mean that data recovery is not 100% in case of a complete power failure even though disk based ndb clustering is setup?


Kayra Otaner

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Data recovery
August 22, 2007 02:38PM
August 23, 2007 06:22PM

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