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mysql++ and unicode
Posted by: Ayal B
Date: May 29, 2007 01:16PM


I am trying to perform a simple query of a record containing unicode data but my (mysqlpp::Row).raw_data(index) always returns a string of question marks "??" instead of the required string.

I use "MySQL Administrator 1.2.8" to populate a field with a hebrew string. This works well and the client tool always displays the string properly but when I try to access the field via mysql++ API, I get the question marks.

I am running Mysql version 5.0.27 and mysql++ 2.2.3.
I have tried creating databases in utf8, ucs2 and hebrew with corresponding default-character-set variables set in the my.cnf file under c:\mysql.

Any ideas ? pointers ?

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mysql++ and unicode
May 29, 2007 01:16PM
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