Problems using Guide to build conn++ on windows. -guide i am using and having problems.
First of all sry for the bad English.
And thanks for the great guide,i have been trying to install mysql for 3 days now(mysql++,conn).Well i totaly fail....
So about that guide..Ok i tell you what i have done:
Downloaded vc2005(vc 2008 wont work on my cmp,dunno why);
Downloaded Mysql 5.1(instaled it,included the C stuff also did the new user stuff,where i had to enter password etc..)
Ok downloaded c++ connector 1.0.4(installed)
also installed c connector(somone told me its needed).
Ok,so i follow the guide,everything is nice and simple.I create new project with vc2005.I go to Project => Propties.I can choose:
4.all conf.
i choose the last one(guid tells me to choose Activ(release),hence i dont have it i am hoping all conf. will work).
Well i got to c/c++ =>General=>Addional include...
i add the location:
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C++\lib\opt"
well thats ok.
So i go to linker=>Input=>Addional Depend..
there is some kernel stuff(no inheritance or something like that) writed there alrdy,i take the rigth to delete it(i also tried with it).So i add
mysqlcppconn.lib there.
Yay thats done now. I copy the example code in my main file,i keep the #include "stdafx.h" line.
So now i choose Build=>Build Solution
and now there is error:
.\blaahh.cpp(19) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mysql_connection.h': No such file or directory
So what am i doing wrong here?Is it all about vc2005?
Thanks for incoming help :P