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Problems with getString method
Posted by: Michael Pilz
Date: December 09, 2011 08:16AM

Hi I want to get some strings from my SQL database. So I did a search for the wanted entries and after a quick check of how many he found it seems that he successfully did the search.

but now I have the problem with getting the wanted values from the searched entries (its a String).
I would have thought that the proper method for this would be getString(x) where x is either the desire Columnindexnumber or directly the title of the column.

However he crashes everytime I want to use this function. He throws the Exception "sql::InvalidArgumentException" which I cant really understand why because the indexnumber or indexname should be right.

Or did I understand something wrong?

Anyway here's the code:

sql::ResultSet* result = fw->database->Query("SELECT `email` FROM `users` WHERE `id`='%i'", user_id)
int rows = result->rowsCount(); // he should find 3 entries and after calling rowsCount(), rows contains indeed the value 3
int n = result->getMetaData()->getColumnCount(); // contains the value 1 afterwards (because I only select one column, namely "email" ?)

// I tested every single of these parameters just to be sure but I get everytime the exception

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Problems with getString method
December 09, 2011 08:16AM

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