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Set up MySQL Connector/C++ with Code::Blocks on Debian
Posted by: Scott Griffith
Date: April 28, 2013 11:20AM

This post started as a rather silly question (through inexperience) about how to get the connector libraries working. So, as I've made some headway, I thought I'd edit it (heavily) so the information I've gleaned is up here for anybody else who needs it.

So I've been trying to learn how to use C++ and MySQL together. To that end, I have dusted off my C++ reference and installed Code::Blocks and the MySQL Connector/C++ on my Debian Wheezy (64-bit) system. It was a bit rocky at first, but I'm slowly getting somewhere (been a while since I did any coding).

If anybody knows of something I've done wrong, feel free to correct me, and I'll make sure to edit the post summore.

I installed Code::Blocks from the Debian repo.
I then downloaded the GA binary release mysql-connector-c++-1.1.3-linux-debian6.0-x86-64bit.tar.gz from, extracted it, and placed the lib and include folders into my /usr/local/ folder under a subfolder called "mysql".

Ok, so that bit was really basic, so if you're lost, I'd suggest taking a look at a decent linux book. Don't know if it's the best, but I've been going through The Linux Bible.

Noticing that the examples are missing from the binary release, I also grabbed the source archives, so I could take a look at the examples. Note that examples.h has some useful #define lines for checking your compiler version so you can use "EXAMPLE_FUNCTION" in a try...catch error outputty-type thing. Again, if you're unfamiliar with try...catch and #define, I'd say go grab a book on C++.

On to Code::Blocks. I created a new console application project, "MySQLTest", using the GNU GCC Compiler, and replaced the "Hello World" code it gave me in main.cpp with the code from standalone_example.cpp, and copied over exmaples.h to the project dir, slapping an include line at the top of main.cpp for it.

The next bit I did was create a global variable in Code::Blocks (Settings/Global Variables), called "mysql", with the base dir being "/usr/local/mysql" (which is probably not all that great, because there's nothing there), the include dir being "/usr/local/mysql/include", and the lib dir being "/usr/local/mysql/lib".

After that I set some build options (Project/Build Options". I selected the root node in the tree on the left of the dialog, and in the "Compiler" tab within "Search Directories" I added "$(#mysql.include)" - thus making use of the global variable I made, and I put "$(#mysql.lib)" as an entry in the "Linker" tab.

Right. So I want to build a static binary, simply because it means I don't have to faff about quite so much if I want to run my program on another machine. And to get this to work, it seems I need to do the following.

In the aforementioned Linker tab, I added "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" so that the compiler can find one of the .a files (libmysqlclient.a) needed for the static build. This folder will probably be different if you're not on a 64-bit Debian system like me.

Then in the left pane of the "Linker Settings" tab, I added "libmysqlclient.a" and also "libmysqlcppconn-static.a", which is in the "lib" directory of the connector.

Note that (for me at least) "libmysqlclient.a" needs to be in the list above "libmysqlcppconn-static.a", or you get a ton of linker errors.

And that's it! All I (and probably you if you had to read this post) have to do now is read the manuals on how to use the connector.

- Scott

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2013 10:17AM by Scott Griffith.

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Set up MySQL Connector/C++ with Code::Blocks on Debian
April 28, 2013 11:20AM

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