Re: MySQL 5.7.19 install fail because of Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable
Posted by: Luis Mora
Date: October 12, 2017 02:18PM

After checking the solutions posted by users in this thread, both solutions (either installing runtime for both architectures 32 and 64 bits or installing a newer version of runtime) work. The best one is to install the newer version of VC++ 2013 x64 runtime found here: Please make sure you are installing the one with a file version of 12.0.40660.0, the one the MySQL Installer currently installs is version 12.0.30501.0, and any with this or lower version may cause errors. Thanks to Jafeth Carrillo Salas for the best solution, and to all other users that contributed with other workarounds. We will fix this issue using the newer runtime version, you can track the status using the following bug
Best regards.

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October 05, 2017 07:30AM
Re: MySQL 5.7.19 install fail because of Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable
October 12, 2017 02:18PM

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