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Re: Performance by Selections
Posted by: Peter Brawley
Date: February 28, 2019 05:10PM

> I am not sure how to get the Create Table results.

Eh? In the mysql client program execute ...

show create table pos_ord_headers\G
show create table pos_ord_lines\G

... copy the results, paste them in a post here.

> I am not certain if the second query induces swapping

Do you know how to find out? What is your OS?

4GB RAM might be insufficient for a query on 120 million rows. Is the machine dedicated to MySQL, or does other software run on it? If the latter, how much RAM is available for MySQL?'

> I am not certain what the key_buffer_size is by default.

That's not the question (though if it had been, it's dead simple to look up in the manual). The question is what is the setting, which you find by executing ...

select @@key_buffer_size;

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2019 08:29PM by Peter Brawley.

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Re: Performance by Selections
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