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Re: Power outage db down - need help
Posted by: Heikki Tuuri
Date: February 25, 2005 03:30AM


you should not run queries on the table that you are CHECKing. Those queries cause the timeout.

Or upgrade to MySQL-4.1.xx where the timeout is 2 hours.

MySQL/InnoDB data format on disk is the same on Solaris/Sparc and Linux/AMD64. Thus, when you have the Solaris database ok, it is simple to move it to the Opteron.

Interesting that the Opteron box was badly corrupt while the Solaris box was ok. That suggests that fsync is badly broken in the Linux-2.4.21-27.ELsmp/Opteron box while Solaris/Sparc is ok. That strengthens my guess that commercial Unix computers are more carefully designed than Linux computers.

InnoDB: Page lsn 12 4083660083, low 4 bytes of lsn at page end 4180158248
InnoDB: Also the page in the doublewrite buffer is corrupt.


The corruption is probably that the start of the page is from an earlier time than the tail of the page.

Have you tried to use hdparm or a proprietary program of the disk vendor to switch off write caching?

Best regards,

Oracle Corp./Innobase Oy
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Re: Power outage db down - need help
February 25, 2005 03:30AM
February 25, 2005 01:46PM

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