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Re: Horrible MySql performance?
Posted by: Patrick Hogan
Date: March 24, 2017 09:18AM

Thanks a ton for the response! I should have mentioned this is a very non-professional setup. I just downloaded the latest Community version 5.7.17, installed it on a desktop PC and then imported a ton of records into that table. I knew it'd be slower than a server but figured still usable since I'm just querying a single table. I was just looking for a free way to query the data since it was too much for Excel. Also, I'm not a dba...I just installed with the defaults.

- Which version are you using? 5.7.17
- Do you have concurrent updates to the table? activity now that I'm done importing.
- Could there be uncommitted transactions in your system? No.
- How big is your InnoDB Buffer Pool? I couldn't find this but it's the default.
- Could the issue be the speed of your disks? It's just a desktop PC but didn't think it'd be so slow that it's almost unusable.

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Written By
March 23, 2017 10:39PM
March 24, 2017 12:52AM
Re: Horrible MySql performance?
March 24, 2017 09:18AM
March 24, 2017 09:21AM

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