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how many requests mysql can handle ?
Posted by: ybzhg zhang
Date: December 08, 2004 08:38PM

hi, all:

I want to use apache+php+mysql to implement my server. our C/S is like this:
client will send data to server every 3 mins, then log data into database, retieve db's data which be response info to clients.

note: these business mode need lots of ‘update’ ‘insert’, Can mysql handle how many request in a seconds?

In my testing:
OS: redhat 9.0 HW: Intel Xeon 2.4, 1G memory,
I found a strange thing: the first time, the server will handle 280 requests per second, the second time, it only can handle 150 requests per second, the third,it will
be better again, 280 requests per second, next time, it will be bad again, 150 requests per second. Did you suffer such problem? can you give me some info?

Thanks a lot


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how many requests mysql can handle ?
December 08, 2004 08:38PM

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