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4.1.8 summary: C-API/ODBC remote performance slow, Prepared Statements stall server, subselects ???, OR clauses in SELECTS
Posted by: Andr Schršder
Date: December 31, 2004 12:36AM

1. Remote vs. local performance. Remote performance is only 25% of local performance, even with better hardware on the server side - especially when it comes to a high number of queries. Obviously something is very wrong with the client/server communication. Few queries with large results work pretty good though. Many queries with small results seem to be the problem.

2. Prepared statements do not work in a concurrent environment. Sending a mysql_stmt_prepare will stall the server. During this time the server will not be responsive to other connections. On top of this, the client/server communication problem remains. Basically, when you have more than one connection or you are working against a remote server, you can't use prepared statements in the C-API. Otherwise you'll take the server offline for seconds every time you send a prepare.

3. Subselects are totally useless in terms of performance. SELECTing into a temporary table has just about the same result in terms of performance. I find it pretty hard to consider them a feature.

4. ODBC API is affected by the above since it uses the native C-API from what I understand.

5. When SELECTing on ranges, you get faster results when you are able to break up the query into several smaller queries. If you try and use a query with a WHERE clause such as "(a=1 AND b=2 AND c>3) OR (a=1 AND b>2) OR (a>1) ORDER BY a,b,c" - obviously with an index over all these columns - you will keep the server very busy (and quite unresponsive). If you run the 3 different OR pieces separately, you get the results in a fraction of the time. I find it hard to see the sense in that.

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Written By
December 20, 2004 06:10AM
4.1.8 summary: C-API/ODBC remote performance slow, Prepared Statements stall server, subselects ???, OR clauses in SELECTS
December 31, 2004 12:36AM
January 04, 2005 05:11AM

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