A question about remote connection via ndb api to mgm
I'm trying to create a ndb api utility on c for loading records into ndb tables as "load data in file". We haven't got any experience on ndb api libraries.
we have started with this simple connect example.
#include <NdbApi.hpp>
#include <mysql.h>
#include <mysqld_error.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Ndb_cluster_connection * conn;
conn = new Ndb_cluster_connection("<mgm linux box ip>:10000");
conn->connect(5, 3, 1);
printf("%s \n\n",conn->get_latest_error_msg());
if (conn->wait_until_ready(30,0) <0)
printf("No ok");
return -1;
This source code generates on linux a binary called connection.
We have a cluster with:
One cluster manager (mgm)
Two Datanodes
Two msqld(API) nodes.
Cluster Manager and one Api node are in the same server.
Data node are in different linux boxes alone.
The other Api node is alone on one linux box.
When we copy the "connection" binary plus libndbclient.so.6.0.0 to other server out of the cluster infrastructure and try to connect to mgm cluster we receive the next message
Error: Could not alloc node id at <mgm linux box ip> port 10000: No free node id found for mysqld(API).
and we have been able to see via tcpdump the next strange lines:
sendto(3, "get nodeid\n", 11, 0, NULL, 0) = 11
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 30000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(3, "version: 459780\n", 16, 0, NULL, 0) = 16
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 30000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(3, "nodetype: 1\n", 12, 0, NULL, 0) = 12
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 30000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(3, "nodeid: 0\n", 10, 0, NULL, 0) = 10
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 30000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(3, "user: mysqld\n", 13, 0, NULL, 0) = 13
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 30000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(3, "password: mysqld\n", 17, 0, NULL, 0) = 17
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 30000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(3, "public key: a public key\n", 25, 0, NULL, 0) = 25
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 30000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(3, "endian: little\n", 15, 0, NULL, 0) = 15
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 30000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(3, "log_event: 0\n", 13, 0, NULL, 0) = 13
We don't understand these lines:
sendto(3, "user: mysqld\n", 13, 0, NULL, 0) = 13
sendto(3, "password: mysqld\n", 17, 0, NULL, 0) = 17
Who is mysqld user ¿?¿?¿?¿
Finally when we run this code into mgm linux box it works fine.
We need this code for bulk load data from batch processes.
Only ndb api works when it runs into the mgm process server ???
Regards in advance.