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Re: Group member stuck recovering
Posted by: Frederic Descamps
Date: September 04, 2018 01:28PM

Hi Geert,

Thank you for using Group Replication.

If you want to see the progress of the recover you can use show slave status for the group_replication_recovery channel (see

Using the shell you can also rejoin an instance. and if an instance seems stalled, you should see why in its error log. And in any case you can remove the instance from the group (using --force) with MySQL Shell and add it back without touching the filesystem. If there are some data integrity problem, the shell will tell you.

Don't forget to always use the latest shell !


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September 03, 2018 09:47AM
September 04, 2018 01:09AM
Re: Group member stuck recovering
September 04, 2018 01:28PM

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