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MySQL Shell 8.0.14 for MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7 has been released
Posted by: Kent Boortz
Date: January 21, 2019 12:55PM

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Shell 8.0.14 is a maintenance release of MySQL Shell 8.0 Series
(a component of the MySQL Server). The MySQL Shell is provided under
Oracle's dual-license.

MySQL Shell 8.0 is highly recommended for use with MySQL Server 8.0
and 5.7. Please upgrade to MySQL Shell 8.0.14.

MySQL Shell is an interactive JavaScript, Python and SQL console
interface, supporting development and administration for the MySQL
Server. It provides APIs implemented in JavaScript and Python that
enable you to work with MySQL InnoDB cluster and use MySQL as a
document store.

The AdminAPI enables you to work with MySQL InnoDB cluster, providing
an integrated solution for high availability and scalability using
InnoDB based MySQL databases, without requiring advanced MySQL
expertise. For more information about how to configure and work with
MySQL InnoDB cluster see

The X DevAPI enables you to create "schema-less" JSON document
collections and perform Create, Update, Read, Delete (CRUD) operations
on those collections from your favorite scripting language.
For more information about how to use MySQL Shell and the MySQL Document
Store support see

For more information about the X DevAPI see

If you want to write applications that use the the CRUD based X DevAPI
you can also use the latest MySQL Connectors for your language of
choice. For more information about Connectors see

For more information on the APIs provided with MySQL Shell


Using MySQL Shell's SQL mode you can communicate with servers using the
legacy MySQL protocol. Additionally, MySQL Shell provides partial
compatibility with the mysql client by supporting many of the same
command line options.

For full documentation on MySQL Server, MySQL Shell and related topics,

For more information about how to download MySQL Shell 8.0.14, see
the "Generally Available (GA) Releases" tab at

We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports, see

Enjoy and thanks for the support!


Changes in MySQL Shell 8.0.14 (2019-01-21)

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

     * When started from the command line, MySQL Shell prints
       information about the product, information about the
       session (such as the default schema and connection ID),
       warning messages, and any errors that are returned during
       startup and connection. You can now suppress printing of
       information that you do not need by using the
       --quiet-start[=1|2] mysqlsh command-line option. With a
       value of 1 (the default when the option is specified),
       information about the MySQL Shell product is not printed,
       but session information, warnings, and errors are
       printed. With a value of 2, only errors are printed.
       As part of this work, the printed information was tidied
       up so that the information about the MySQL Shell product
       is printed before the information about the session.
       Also, the handling of error printing was normalized to
       send diagnostic data to stderr, and errors to stdout.
       (Bug #28833718, Bug #28855291)

     * MySQL Shell connections using classic MySQL protocol now
       support compression for information sent between the
       client and the server. You can specify compression when
       you start MySQL Shell and connect using command line
       options, or in a URI string or a key-value pair when you
       create a session using other interfaces. You can also use
       the MySQL Shell configuration option defaultCompress to
       enable compression for every global session.
       For MySQL Shell connections that use Unix socket files,
       the --socket command line option can now be specified
       with no argument to connect using the default Unix socket
       file for the protocol. (Bug #28730149)

     * The Cluster.status() operation has been extended to
       enable you to display information about the underlying
       Group Replication group used by the cluster. Now you can
       retrieve information from all members of a cluster
       without having to connect to each member individually.
       To see information about the groupName and memberId; and
       general statistics about the number of transactions
       checked, proposed, and rejected by members issue:


       To see information about recovery and regular transaction
       I/O, applier worker thread statistics and any lags;
       applier coordinator statistics, if parallel apply is
       enabled; error, and other information from I/O and
       applier threads issue


       In addition, in previous versions the URI-type string
       shown for groupInformationSourceMember in the output of
       Cluster.status() could be the cluster's MySQL Router
       address, rather than the address of the instance which
       provided the displayed group information. This has been
       improved to ensure groupInformationSourceMember always
       shows the correct hostname, or report_host, value and
       port, or report_port, value of the instance which
       provided the group information.
       As part of this work, the integration of MySQL Router to
       InnoDB cluster has been improved.
       (Bug #28636963, Bug #26519466, Bug #27824265, Bug #28366027)

     * The MySQL Shell JSON import utility can now process BSON
       (binary JSON) data types that are represented in JSON
       documents. The data types used in BSON documents are not
       all natively supported by JSON, but can be represented
       using extensions to the JSON format. The import utility
       can process documents that use JSON extensions to
       represent BSON data types, convert them to an identical
       or compatible MySQL representation, and import the data
       value using that representation. The resulting converted
       data values can be used in expressions and indexes, and
       manipulated by SQL statements and X DevAPI functions.
       To convert JSON extensions for BSON types into MySQL
       types in this way, you must specify the convertBsonTypes
       option when you run the import utility. Additional
       options are available to control the mapping and
       conversion for specific BSON data types. If you import
       documents with JSON extensions for BSON types and do not
       use this option, the documents are imported in the same
       way as they are represented in the input file.

     * A MySQL Shell configuration option showColumnTypeInfo and
       command line option --column-type-info have been added to
       display metadata for each column in a returned result
       set, such as the column type and collation. The metadata
       is printed before the result set, and is only shown in
       SQL mode.
       In the metadata, the column type is returned as both the
       type used by MySQL Shell (Type), and the type used by the
       original database (DBType). For MySQL Shell connections
       using classic MySQL protocol, DBType is as returned by
       the protocol, and for X Protocol connections, DBType is
       inferred from the available information. The column
       length (Length) is returned in bytes.

     * The upgrade checker utility provided by MySQL Shell,
       which is the checkForServerUpgrade() function of the util
       global object, has several enhancements:

          + The utility can now select and provide advice and
            instructions for relevant checks that cannot be
            automated, and must be performed manually. The
            manual checks are rated as either warning or notice
            (informational) level, and are listed after the
            automated checks. In MySQL Shell 8.0.14, the utility
            provides advice where relevant about the change of
            default authentication plugin in MySQL 8.0.

          + A check has been added for the removed log_syslog_*
            system variables that previously configured error
            logging to the system log (the Event Log on Windows,
            and syslog on Unix and Unix-like systems).

          + A check has been added for specific schema
            inconsistencies that can be caused by the deletion
            or corruption of a file, including the removal of
            the directory for a schema and the removal of a .frm
            file for a table.

       You can access the upgrade checker utility from within
       MySQL Shell or start it from the command line. For
       instructions and further information, see MySQL Shell

     * MySQL Shell can print results in table, tabbed, or
       vertical format, or as pretty or raw JSON output. From
       MySQL Shell 8.0.14, the new MySQL Shell configuration
       option resultFormat can be used to specify any of these
       output formats as a persistent default for all sessions,
       or just for the current session. Changing this option
       takes effect immediately. Alternatively, the new command
       line option --result-format can be used at startup to
       specify the output format for a session. The existing
       command line options --table, --tabbed, and --vertical
       are now aliases for the --result-format option given with
       the corresponding value.
       The existing command line option --json controls JSON
       wrapping for all MySQL Shell output from a session.
       Specifying --json or --json=pretty turns on JSON wrapping
       and generates pretty-printed JSON. Specifying --json=raw
       turns on JSON wrapping and generates raw JSON. With any
       of these options, the value of the resultFormat MySQL
       Shell configuration option is ignored. Specifying
       --json=off or not specifying the --json option turns off
       JSON wrapping, and result sets are output as normal in
       the format specified by the resultFormat configuration
       The outputFormat MySQL Shell configuration option is now
       deprecated. This option combined the JSON wrapping and
       result printing functions, which have now been separated.
       If this option is still specified in your MySQL Shell
       configuration file or scripts, the behavior is as

          + With the json or json/raw value, outputFormat
            activates JSON wrapping with pretty or raw JSON

          + With the table, tabbed, or vertical value,
            outputFormat turns off JSON wrapping and sets the
            resultFormat MySQL Shell configuration option for
            the session to the appropriate value.

     * The V8 library used by MySQL Shell has been updated to

     * AdminAPI no longer relies on the mysqlprovision check
       command. This work has resulted in the following:

          + The errors field in the JSON returned by
            dba.checkInstanceConfiguration() has been removed,
            because it was only used to hold errors issued by
            mysqlprovision. Any errors are now reported
            directly, for example as RuntimeError.

          + The dba.verbose value no longer influences the
            amount of debug information displayed for
            dba.checkInstanceConfiguration() and
            dba.configureLocalInstance() because it was only
            used to control the verbosity of the information
            displayed from mysqlprovision. Instead, the generic
            verbose value from MySQL Shell is used to control
            the verbosity level for those functions.

          + In addition, the messages returned have been
            generally improved to make them more accurate.
       References: See also: Bug #28737777, Bug #27305806,
       Bug #28768627, Bug #27702439, Bug #28733883.

     * When you create a cluster, you can set the timeout before
       instances are expelled from the cluster, for example when
       they become unreachable. Pass the new expelTimeout option
       to the dba.createCluster() operation, which configures
       the group_replication_member_expel_timeout variable on
       the seed instance. All instances running MySQL server
       8.0.13 and later which are added to the cluster are
       automatically configured to have the same
       group_replication_member_expel_timeout value as defined
       when the cluster was created using expelTimeout.

     * You can configure an InnoDB cluster's underlying Group
       Replication group while the cluster remains online. This
       enables you to choose a specific instance as the single
       primary, or to change between single-primary and
       multi-primary mode without taking the cluster offline.
       This uses the group coordinator and the equivalent UDFs
       added in WL#10378 (,
       see "Configuring an Online Group"

       Use the following Cluster object operations:

          + Cluster.switchToSinglePrimaryMode([instance]), which runs
            group_replication_switch_to_single_primary_mode() on
            the underlying group, using instance as the primary,
            all other instances become secondaries

          + Cluster.switchToMultiPrimaryMode(), which runs
            group_replication_switch_to_multi_primary_mode() on
            the underlying group, all instances become primaries

          + Cluster.setPrimaryInstance(instance), which runs
            group_replication_set_as_primary() on the underlying
            group, configuring instance as the new primary

     * You can now configure the InnoDB cluster options of
       instances at a cluster level, while instances remain
       online. This avoids the need to remove, reconfigure and
       then again add the instance to change InnoDB cluster
       options. Use the following operations:

          + Cluster.options() to verify the settings of a
            cluster and its instances

          + Cluster.setOption(option, value) to change settings
            of all cluster instances globally

          + Cluster.setInstanceOption(instance, option, value)
            to change settings of individual cluster instances
       The way which you use InnoDB cluster options with the
       operations listed depends on whether the option can be
       changed to be the same on all instances or not. These
       options are changeable at both the cluster (all
       instances) and per instance level:

          + exitStateAction

          + memberWeight

       This option is changeable at the per instance level only:

          + label

       These options are changeable at the cluster level only:

          + failoverConsistency

          + expelTimeout

          + clusterName

     * The cluster.rescan() operation has been extended to
       enable you to detect changes to the cluster's topology,
       and modfiy the cluster metadata, for example to remove
       old instance data. Now you can:

          + use the updateTopologyMode option to detect if the
            Group Replication mode (single-primary or
            multi-primary mode) registered in the metadata
            matches the current mode of the cluster, updating
            that information in the metadata if requested
            through a new option or by a prompt confirmation.
            You can use this option to update the metadata after
            using the
            Cluster.switchToSinglePrimaryMode([instance]) and
            Cluster.switchToMultiPrimaryMode() options added in

          + use the addInstances option to specify a list of new
            instances to add to the metadata, or the
            removeInstances option to specify a list of obsolete
            instances to remove from the metadata. Pass the auto
            value to these options to automatically add or
            remove instances from the metadata, without having
            to specify an explicit list of instances. This
            enables the function to update the metadata even in
            non-interactive mode, making it consistent with the
            other AdminAPI operations.

          + In addition, a new interactive option has been added
            to the cluster.rescan() operation, to enable or
            disable interactive mode prompts specifically for
            the cluster.rescan() command.

       References: See also: Bug #28997465, Bug #28529362,
       Bug #28889563.

Bugs Fixed

     * The TAR build of MySQL Shell comes with Python 2.7. When
       attempting to include the site package, an error was
       emitted because of missing build files needed by the
       include. (Bug #28973138)

     * Handling procedures for user-supplied data in MySQL Shell
       were refactored to ensure correct cleanup after use.
       (Bug #28915716)

     * The exception type and error messages returned by MySQL
       Shell functions for parameter errors have been
       standardized across the different functions.
       (Bug #28838958)

     * MySQL Shell stopped unexpectedly if the
       shell.setCurrentSchema() method was called to set the
       default schema before an active session had been
       established. MySQL Shell now validates that there is an
       active session when the operation takes place.
       (Bug #28814112)

     * The MySQL Shell JSON import utility no longer requires an
       empty dictionary to be supplied if there are no import
       options. (Bug #28768585)

     * In SQL mode, MySQL Shell does not add statements to the
       history if they include the strings IDENTIFIED or
       PASSWORD, or other strings that you configure using the
       --histignore command option or
       shell.options["history.sql.ignorePattern"]. However, this
       previously meant that filtered-out statements were not
       available to be corrected immediately after entry, and
       had to be re-typed in case of any errors. MySQL Shell now
       always makes the last executed statement available to be
       recalled by pressing the Up arrow, regardless of the
       filters set in the history ignore list. If filtering
       applies to the last executed statement, it is removed
       from the history as soon as another statement is entered,
       or if you exit MySQL Shell immediately after executing
       the statement. (Bug #28749037)

     * The result printing logic in MySQL Shell has been
       refactored to use back-end rather than high-level result
       data, delivering performance improvements for all types
       of result data and more accurate representation for JSON
       data. (Bug #28710831)

     * A memory leak was fixed that occurred when the new MySQL
       Shell command-line syntax was used. (Bug #28705373)

     * The check for partitioned tables in shared tablespaces in
       the upgrade checker utility provided by MySQL Shell (the
       util.checkForServerUpgrade() operation) did not return
       correct results for the 8.0.11 and 8.0.12 target
       versions. The check now uses alternative Information
       Schema tables that are populated with the required
       information in these versions. (Bug #28701423)

     * The default value for group_replication_exit_state_action
       is ABORT_SERVER, but AdminAPI now overrides this and sets
       the default on instances to READ_ONLY. This ensures that
       instances which leave the group unexpectedly continue
       running and can be rejoined to the cluster.
       (Bug #28701263)

     * The MySQL Shell command \option ignored additional
       arguments separated by spaces that were specified for an
       option after the initial value. (Bug #28658632)

     * MySQL Shell permitted newline characters (line feed and
       carriage return) in passwords to be passed to a Secret
       Store Helper using the shell.storeCredential method,
       resulting in an error in the Secret Store Helper. MySQL
       Shell now returns an exception if newline characters are
       used in supplied passwords for the shell.storeCredential
       method, and does not pass them to the Secret Store
       Helper. (Bug #28597766)

     * On the Windows platform, UTF-8 encoded strings were
       printed to the console using the cout object, which
       transfers a byte at a time. This resulted in multi-byte
       Unicode characters, such as a single quotation mark,
       being displayed and handled incorrectly. MySQL Shell now
       uses alternative functions for printing, and verifies
       that multi-byte UTF-8 characters are emitted as a
       complete unit. (Bug #28596692)

     * When executing an SQL script in MySQL Shell, an
       inaccurate line number was reported for the location of
       syntax errors in the script. The number referenced the
       current SQL block rather than the line number in the
       script. The error message now uses the global line
       number. (Bug #28545982)

     * The SQL statement splitting logic in MySQL Shell has been
       refactored to fix a number of issues and to match
       behaviors of the MySQL command-line tool mysql:

          + The backslash character (\) is no longer accepted in
            the delimiter string.

          + The use of the word "delimiter" in contexts other
            than as a command is now handled correctly.

          + In scripts, comments are not discarded, and groups
            of comments and statements are now split in the same
            way as mysql would split them.

          + Large scripts can now be successfully split into
            incremental chunks even when some tokens span across
            more than one chunk.

          + Scripts can now be parsed in the ANSI_QUOTES SQL

          + Multi-line strings and comments that contain quotes
            are now parsed correctly.

          + Inline commands are handled in the same way as by
            mysql, as follows:

               o A \ character appearing at the beginning of a
                 statement is interpreted as the start of a
                 multi-letter MySQL Shell command.

               o A \ character appearing within a statement is
                 interpreted as the start of a single-letter
                 command. The command is executed immediately,
                 then stripped out of the input statement.

               o A \ character appearing after the end of a
                 statement is interpreted as the start of a
                 single-letter command.

       (Bug #27959016, Bug #25689071)

     * When a cluster was created on a server that did not have
       the X Plugin enabled, a silent assumption was being made
       about the X Protocol port value. Now the value of an X
       Protocol port is only stored for instances on which X
       Plugin is enabled. (Bug #27677227)

     * The handling of Windows named pipe connections by MySQL
       Shell has been improved and systematized. Now, if you
       specify the host name as a period (.) on Windows, MySQL
       Shell connects using a named pipe.

          + If you are connecting using a URI type string,
            specify user@.

          + If you are connecting using a data dictionary,
            specify {"host": "."}

          + If you are connecting using individual parameters,
            specify --host=. or -h .

       By default, the pipe name MySQL is used. You can specify
       an alternative named pipe using the --socket option or as
       part of the URI type string. If a URI type string is
       used, the named pipe must be prepended with the
       characters \\.\ as well as being either encoded using
       percent encoding or surrounded with parentheses, as shown
       in the following examples:


       (Bug #27381738)

     * The dba.checkInstanceConfiguration() operation was not
       checking if the Performance Schema was enabled on the
       target instance. This could result in a situation where
       you could create a cluster but could not run several
       management operations on it, for example the
       Cluster.status() operation. Now,
       dba.checkInstanceConfiguration() checks that the
       Performance Schema is enabled on instances.
       (Bug #25867733)

     * When JSON format output was enabled for MySQL Shell, the
       properties of the Shell API Options class (shell.options)
       and AdminAPI Cluster class (dba.getCluster) were not
       printed, only the class name. (Bug #25027181)

     * When Cluster.checkInstanceState() was executed on an
       instance which was already a member of the current
       cluster, the output indicated that the instance was fully
       recoverable. This was misleading and was caused by a
       missing validation to ensure the instance does not belong
       to a cluster. (Bug #24942875)

     * The dba.checkInstanceConfiguration() operation did not
       recognize privileges when they were associated to a user
       through a role (available in MySQL server 8.0 and
       higher). In such a case, a missing privileges error was
       being incorrectly issued despite the user possessing all
       the required privileges. Now users with their privileges
       assigned by roles are recognized by AdminAPI operations
       correctly. (Bug #91394, Bug #28236922)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Kent Boortz

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MySQL Shell 8.0.14 for MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7 has been released
January 21, 2019 12:55PM

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