Fill the Dataset
currently i am connecting to MSSQL 4.2.1 , ODBC 3.51.
i have written a C# application using Select statement to compare the records in MYSQL as below
f_PrevDate = f_CurrentGenerateDate.AddDays (-8) ;
while (f_DuplicatedRecord)
//Loop Previous issue date till Current Date (to compare the past records with most current date record)
while (f_PrevDate < f_CurrentGenerateDate )
//if record found in the Previous issue date
if (RecordFound(p_CommentType,p_PredictNo,GlobalVar.ConvertedDate f_PrevDate.ToString()),f_PickedNo))
f_DuplicatedRecord = true ;
break ;
//Record not found
f_DuplicatedRecord = false ;
//increase one day to the Previous date
f_PrevDate = f_PrevDate.AddDays (1) ;
updaterecord (p_currentdate) ;
f_DuplicatedRecord = true
and this is the function that i written for executing the SQLstatment
#region Search records in predictreport table
public bool RecordFound (GlobalVar.PredictionType p_PredictType,string p_PredictNo,int p_SelectedNo,string p_Date,string p_Mode)
bool f_rtnResult = true ;
m_ErrorMsg = "NA" ;
m_DS = m_DBAcess.ExecuteSQLQuery (ComparePreviousRecord (p_PredictType ,p_PredictNo ,p_SelectedNo,p_Date,p_Mode)) ;
//ERROR occur in below statement
if (m_DS != null)
if (m_DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
if (m_DS.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString () != "")
f_rtnResult = true ;
m_DS.Clear ();
f_rtnResult = false;
m_DS.Clear ();
f_rtnResult = false ;
m_DS.Clear ();
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show ("re"+ e.Message) ;
return f_rtnResult ;
functions to fill the dataset
public virtual DataSet ExecuteSQLQuery(string p_CommandText)
m_DataRecord = new DataSet ();
if (OpenDB())
m_OdbcCommand.CommandText = p_CommandText;
m_OdbcCommand.Connection = m_OdbcConnection ;
m_OdbcDataAdapter.SelectCommand = m_OdbcCommand ;
//f_ExcRtn = true ;
catch(Exception e)
m_ExecuteErrorMsg = e.Message ;
//f_ExcRtn = false ;
m_DataRecord = null ;
return m_DataRecord ;
after some time of the loop , a error message display "Cannot find table 0" .
and i try to trace the program , the problems happen in the dataset (m_DS != null).
but when i test in MS access , it work prefectly .
any one facing with this issue before ? and any solution on this issue ?
Written By
Fill the Dataset
January 10, 2005 04:32AM
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