Re: Problems with DataSets! - SOLUTION
Finally I have figured out. Here is the solution to connect to a MySQL database using VB.NET
Dim mySQLDS As New DataSet
Dim connString As String = "server=localhost; user id=myUserInMySQL; password=myUsersPassword; database=mysql"
Dim qryMySQL As String = "SELECT user,password FROM user;"
Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
conn.ConnectionString = connString
Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand(qryMySQL)
Dim adapt As New MySqlDataAdapter
adapt.SelectCommand = New MySqlCommand(qryMySQL, conn)
'Code to display the records in a DataGrid
DataGrid1.DataSource = mySQLDS
Thats all you have to do. Hope it Helps!
Rizwan Kaif
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December 05, 2004 07:31AM
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Re: Problems with DataSets! - SOLUTION
January 11, 2005 04:01AM
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