Thanks for responding Bill Karwin. Yes I did try running the exact same SELECT statement (SELECT * FROM MEMBERS) from the mysql comand-line interface and it works. I do not have any code that checks for errors after I prepare the query yet. What I have noticed also is that after running the PREPARE and EXECUTE statements, "$sth->rows" has the value of 0 which is not correct.
Bill Karwin Wrote:
> Source code for is here:
> It appears that the line you're mentioning is
> trying to use an iterator for records, but
> failing. The iterator itself is probably undef.
> Perhaps the SELECT statement failed? Are you
> checking for errors after you prepare the query?
> Another good test is to try the exact same SELECT
> query in the mysql command-line interface. That
> is, remove Perl from the test. Does the query
> work, or does it give an error?