update not work in perl programming
i already wrote the update program but its not work means its unable to update the data of table in database. my code just like that:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
use DBI;
my $query= new CGI;
print $query->header();
print $query->start_html(-title=> 'Update Profile');
$toname= ~ tr/+/ /;
$toname=~ s /%(..)/chr hex $1/eg;
if(($query->request_method eq "POST") && ($query->param("emp_name") ne '') && ($query->param("emp_add") ne '') && ($query->param("password") ne '') && ($query->param("city") ne '') && ($query->param("zip_code") ne '') && ($query->param("dob") ne '') && ($query->param("phone") ne '') && ($query->param("photo") ne ''))
$dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:test:","bobby","bobby") or die "Don't connect to Database:DBI::errstr\n";
$sth=$dbh->prepare("Update new_user SET emp_name='$ename',emp_add='$eadd',password='$pword',city='$ct',zip_code='$zcode',dob='$d',phone='$ph',photo='$pto' where emp_name=?");
print"<FORM METHOD='POST' ACTION='test4.pl'>";
print"<p>         Employee Name:         ";
print"<input type='text' name='emp_name' value='$ename'></p><br>";
print"<p>        Employee Address:      ";
print"<input type= 'text' name='emp_add' value=$eadd></p><br>";
print"<p>        Password:                    ";
print"<input type ='password' name ='password' value='$pword'></p><br>";
print"<p>        City:                            ";
print"<input type = 'text' name='city' value='$ct'> </p><br>";
print"<p>        Zip Code:                    ";
print"<input type='text' name='zip_code' value='$zcode'></p><br>";
print"<p>         Date Of Birth:             ";
print"<input type=''text' name='dob' value='$d'></p><br>";
print"<p>         Phone:                        ";
print"<input type = 'text' name='phone' value='$ph'></p><br>";
print"<p>        Upload Photo:              ";
print"<input type='file' value='Browse'></p><br>";
print"<p><center><input type ='submit' value='update'></center></p>";
print"<center><a href='test2.pl'>Back to The Main Page</a></center>";
print $query->end_html();
plz help me out from that problem.
good morning
arup ratan
Written By
update not work in perl programming
May 10, 2005 12:03AM
September 15, 2006 02:32AM
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