arupratan biswas wrote:
> nothing but when i put the value then it could not updated,i cant understand what happen.
> u just see the code then understand what actually happen?
I have no time to check your code in detail, but change these lines:
> $sth=$dbh->prepare("Update new_user SET
> emp_name='$ename',emp_add='$eadd',password='$pword',city='$ct',
> zip_code='$zcode',dob='$d',phone='$ph',photo='$pto' > where emp_name=?");
> $sth->execute($toname);
$sql = "Update new_user SET
zip_code='$zcode',dob='$d',phone='$ph',photo='$pto' > where emp_name=?";
print STDERR "sql = $sql with ? = '$toname'\n";
and check the your sql statement in the error log of your webserver.
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