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mysql query problem (very important for me...)
Posted by: pepe fox
Date: July 23, 2005 02:16PM

I'm not a professional programmist, but I create now rather serious project, and -
as You know - sometimes I have problems with php or mysql...
Now I have terribly problem with one mysql query (...) - I need to have
"nr" or "id" in this query, but I can't do it... Everything, what I do - it's always
wrong, incorrect, and - it doesn't work... The part of the script looks like:

$question = "select * from data_table where ".$finding_method." like '%".$phrase."%' ORDER BY nr DESC ";
$result = mysql_query($question);
$howmany_founded = mysql_num_rows($result);

echo '<p>The number of fonded elements: '.$howmany_founded.'</p>';

echo " ... etc...

So, I need a "nr" or "id" in this query, because I have to make the links
with results of this query, and without a "nr" or "id" it doesn't work correctly,
because it "don't know" which rekord of the data table should be displayed...
I try add something like : "and nr=$nr" into query $question, but it still doesn't work...
If You can help me - I thank you very much, if not - I thank you too... bye-bye
Sorry for my english - it isn't my native language, unfortunately - P.P., Warsaw,Poland

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mysql query problem (very important for me...)
July 23, 2005 02:16PM

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