Re: Encoding problem...
Hello again,
I've just been reviewing my problem, and it seems I wasn't correct when I said the data was preserved when viewed via phpMyAdmin - so much data and so many scrambled letters...
So it would seem my encoding issues are introduced during the export/import process. As outlined in my initial post, This is the process I have been using:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u"${LOCAL_DB_USER}" -p"${LOCAL_DB_PASS}" "${LOCAL_DB_DATABASE}" | gzip > "${LOCAL_DB_GZIP}"
and upload the resulting file via scp to the live server, where I import it to the live database with:
I read somewhere:
that this may be a problem as the file passes through the operating system which may not support utf8. Hence I have followed the suggestion in the above link and used the --default-character-set=utf8 and --result-file= switches in the dump and -default-character-set=utf8 in the import. This however, still results in my problems.
Any pointers would be very much appreciated.