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Re: Double Insert
Posted by: James Wilson
Date: October 15, 2019 10:54AM

Peter, thanks for your reply. I probably titled the issue incorrectly. The problem is not a 'Double Insert' but rather a 'Double Update.' My bad!

1. Being somewhat of a mySQL novice, I'm not sure what you mean by a 'transaction block.' But, being an old school programmer (can you spell FORTRAN 2?) I have written some unique code to handle all database actions to modify the 60+ tables in the database. Basically, the serialized data of the form is passed to a routine that then builds the desired type of action (Insert/Update/Delete). I've been using the method for over 10 years on one site ( and now over a year on a second site ( and have had no problems until recently.

2. A 'dummy row' is not produced (bad title). What is 'produced' is the 'updated' record contains NULL in each field of the record. When a record is written to the table I write a record to a transaction_log table that contains the query string used to update the record. A good record is written to the log and then a few milliseconds later another record is written to the log as follows...

UPDATE interments_data SET per_cemid = NULL, per_surname = NULL, per_givenname = NULL, per_middlename = NULL, per_maidenname = NULL, per_surname_prior = NULL, per_prefix = NULL, per_suffix = NULL, per_nickname = NULL, per_birthdate = NULL, per_deathdate = NULL, per_marriagedate = NULL, per_burialdate = NULL, per_birthplace = NULL, per_deathplace = NULL, per_marriageplace = NULL, per_burialplot = NULL, per_plot_lat = NULL, per_plot_lon = NULL, per_tmbstn_img = NULL, per_tmbdtl_img = NULL, per_ftstn_img = NULL, per_plot_img = NULL, per_person_img = NULL, per_mil_img = NULL, per_mil_inscription = NULL, per_mil_notes = NULL, per_inscription = NULL, per_rech_notes = NULL, per_img_credits = NULL, per_deathcert = NULL, per_obit = NULL, per_obit_img = NULL, per_bio = NULL, per_bio_img = NULL, per_funcd_img = NULL, per_family_page = NULL, per_parents = NULL, per_siblings = NULL, per_spouse = NULL, per_children = NULL, per_timestamp = NULL WHERE per_id = 1824;

Note that all the fields are NULL. Before submitting a record I first check to ensure that selected fields are not NULL, so somehow this check is getting bypassed. Is there something that I can add to the query that will prevent the NULL update for happening?

Again, thanks for your reply. Any thoughts you have are greatly appreciated.

James A Wilson

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October 14, 2019 12:16AM
October 15, 2019 10:11AM
Re: Double Insert
October 15, 2019 10:54AM
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