converting join in Oracle to mysql
Hi Folks ,
I have a join in Oracle . The code is :-
SELECT b.security_id, bond.security_id AS close_security_id, b.dated,
s.ticker, s.maturity, s.secs_long_name AS ticker_display,
bid_price AS bid_price, ask_price AS ask_price, mid_price AS price,
bid_yield AS bid_yield, ask_yield AS ask_yield, mid_yield AS yield,
b.updated_time AS last_price_update, s.dated AS issue_date,
cds.security_id_live AS parent_cds
FROM bonds_historic b, securities s, cq_bond bond, cq_vw_cds_bond_map MAP, cq_cds cds
AND s.security_id = b.security_id
AND b.security_id = bond.security_id_live
AND MAP.bond_id = bond.bond_id
AND cds.cds_id = MAP.cds_id
I want to convert this join to mysql .Can anyone post the solution ?
How should I proceed in creating a join of so many tables in mysql ?
Any help would be appreciated .
Thanks and regards,