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Oracle Streams Equivalent?
Posted by: John Titus
Date: August 02, 2007 03:44PM

Hi all,
Let me start by saying that I'm not a DBA, Oracle or otherwise. I'm a system engineer on a program that uses Oracle and I'm considering whether or not we should make the switch to MySQL. I have concerns about mimicing some of the features we use in Oracle, such as Streams replication. I apologize that this post is so long, but I need an answer and so have to give you some background. I would ask the question of the dbas on my program, but their Oracle dbas and hold their noses up when I ask about mysql.

We deploy our system to multiple sites in a network. Each site has two database servers - the second is a backup using Oracle Dataguard. Each site communicates with a central server in a hub-and-spoke architecture. Our system has two database schemes, call them air and water. Water flows down from the central, air flows up from the outer sites. The flow is achieved in near real-time using Oracle streams.

Our systems operate in a wide variety of environments. In some there is not network so we use import/export and sneakernet the data. In some we have great networks so all the sites data all of their data to all of the other sites through the central. And in most, the network is usually reliable, but not always. The systems scale to sending relatively small amounts of data to maybe a terrabyte a year one system. Most of the data, 95%, are jpeg images.

I know mysql can do replication. My concern is can it scale, can it deal with networks that are not always reliable, and can it do it all in near real-time like Oracle Streams (which I admit, isn't really great when the network is unreliable). This question is probably the biggest stumbling block to us even getting started with considering a switch. Oracle is very expensive, and we're about to start deploying quad-core servers, and we license on a per core basis. We're talking a savings of millions of dollars over the next few years if we can switch.

I appreciate any feedback you can give me, and will attempt to answer any questions you may have.

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Oracle Streams Equivalent?
August 02, 2007 03:44PM

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