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ODBC Connection for MS Access 2013 Drivers
Posted by: A Placer
Date: September 11, 2015 10:34PM

I've been trying for days to migrate Access 2013 data to Workbench to which I wish to use from hereon. My Windows system is 7-64 bit Home Premium. I've followed forum & other instructions to point to SysWOW64 etc.

The major problem evolves around the Access drivers. (Via the wizard), after selecting under User DSN tab
Name: MS Access Database
Driver: Microsoft Access Database (*.mdb, *accdb)

when I go to Drivers Tab I can't find a Access driver option that also includes *.accdb option relevant to Access 2013. Result is I can't connect.

To get around this I went into Access 2013 and saved the file to an earlier *.mdb version. This worked fine until the Workbench wizard got to last step ...
"Migration: Could not read from System Tables. You must grant SELECT access on all system tables for the database."

When I went into Access 2013 to grant access for this earlier version it still didn't work.

I've tried to find a download for a MS access 2013 *.accdb inclusive driver without success. I did find ms link but being a newbie I have no idea of the implications of this download which "...install a set of components that can be used to facilitate transfer of data between 2010 Microsoft Office System files and non-Microsoft Office applications".

Furthermore, when I now click on User Access Database DSN it now returns the message "The setup routines for Microft Access Driver (*mdb, *.accdb) ODBC driver could not be found. Please reinstall driver," When hit OK button, it is followed by another window (Titled Driver's ConfigDSN,ConfigDriver, or ConfigTranslator failed) with "Errors Found: Component not found in the registry" message. Same result if I click on the drivers whether in System32 or SysWOW64 folder.

At my wits end and it's holding up opencart web implementation.

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ODBC Connection for MS Access 2013 Drivers
September 11, 2015 10:34PM

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