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Trigger calling stored procedure
Posted by: Jim Whalen
Date: December 30, 2008 04:21PM

Is it possible to use use new.column name and old.column name in a stored procedure called from a trigger
Example - create trigger updt_tbl1 before update on main_table
for each row call a_stored_procedure;

The stored procedure resides within the same database and reads as follows:
update table2 set col1=new.col1, col2=new.col2 where tblkey=old.tblkey;
update table3 set col1=new.col1, col2=new.col2 where tblkey=old.tblkey;

I have found that the old. reference is not recognized in old.tblkey
It works OK in a trigger with a single statement but I find it will be easier to manage the statement using a stored procedure rather than dropping and restating the trigger if changes are required.

MySQL 5.1.30

TIA for any help


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Trigger calling stored procedure
December 30, 2008 04:21PM
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