Re: Stored Procedure to create table
If I understand correctly, move the data using SELECT INTO OUTFILE, then LOAD INFILE into a intermediate table, then insert from there into the new tables?
By table glut, it sounds like you're not a fan of storing large amounts of machine data, correct? I don't see how this is unavoidable, as the HMI stores this data in such a format. Obviously we do not need to keep the data for long periods of time, however, depending on the nature of the data and the frequency interval some of this data will need to kept around longer.
I'm glad you clarified the Prepare a bit, as I was unclear as to why sometimes the DECLARE statement is used without the @ symbol, and some statements do not seem to like certain variables. The other issue regarding the @var, is I understand it to be a larger scoped variable, as in usable outside the procedure, which caused me to wonder why it's used within the procedure.