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Re: Disapperaing Rows??
Posted by: Ryan Peterson
Date: August 09, 2004 01:11PM

I have several ways I check the number of records, basically I use the
phpmyadmin software to look at it other then the adminpanles I have on the system.
I looked over ever function that can delete records and they are all at LIMIT 0, 1, and are id specific, also, I checked in the morning the count(*) and it is what it has been for the past couple days 90,000, then I check in the evening and it returned only 45 rows, would it have something to do with the number going over 100,000?

As far as checking logs, not sure if Windows keeps logs on MySQL, also unfortuanltley I did not get the backup scripts running yet. So the backup system isnt running on windows yet, I just moved it from a Linux box and didn't cahnge that yet, dumb, yes I know.

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Written By
August 09, 2004 10:29AM
August 09, 2004 11:22AM
Re: Disapperaing Rows??
August 09, 2004 01:11PM
August 09, 2004 01:29PM
August 09, 2004 01:35PM

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