Re: mysql_query and UNICODE
Posted by: Pavel Sladky
Date: October 27, 2005 08:02AM

I have such stupid example from C++ 6.0

#if defined _UNICODE
TCHAR ws[256];
char as[256];
char aq[256];

_tcscpy(ws, _T("AB")); // unicode string AB
mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, as, (const char *) ws, _tcslen(ws) * 2); // try to convert to normal chars ????
sprintf(aq, "Insert into ZUPTBL (TBLNAME) VALUES(_utf8 '%s')", as); // create insert query
retval = mysql_query(mysql,aq);

result is that I have only string 'A' in the database.

Any idea how to pass UNICODE strings into DB?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2005 08:03AM by Pavel Sladky.

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October 27, 2005 06:57AM
Re: mysql_query and UNICODE
October 27, 2005 08:02AM

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