Re: load data infile ... with UTF-8 characters
Posted by: Bruce Malmat
Date: September 16, 2015 04:01PM

Yes, it's 100% proper UTF-8 source text. I checked it.

CHAR SETS (showing only the UTF stuff) ...
utf16le UTF-16LE Unicode utf16le_general_ci 4
utf32 UTF-32 Unicode utf32_general_ci 4
utf8 UTF-8 Unicode utf8_general_ci 3
utf8mb4 UTF-8 Unicode utf8mb4_general_ci 4

character_set_client utf8mb4
character_set_connection utf8mb4
character_set_database utf8
character_set_filesystem binary
character_set_results utf8mb4
character_set_server utf8
character_set_system utf8
character_sets_dir C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\share\charsets\

character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_database utf8
character_set_filesystem binary
character_set_results utf8
character_set_server utf8
character_set_system utf8
character_sets_dir C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\share\charsets\

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Re: load data infile ... with UTF-8 characters
September 16, 2015 04:01PM

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