Query 1:
select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS id, keyword
from keyword
where keyword like 'p%'
AND count IN (2,3,4)
LIMIT 88800,6;
Temporary and Filesort are not your problems. The problem is you need to scan most (all?) of the table.
LIMIT 88800,6 -- That requires collecting 88800+6 rows, then tossing 88800 of them.
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS requires going through the rest -- probably a total of 330510 rows.
FULLTEXT KEY `keyword` (`keyword_ft`) -- looks like a typo; you have no field called keyword_ft.
LIKE 'p%' -- This does NOT use FULLTEXT. But it did do a "range" scan of the words beginning with 'p';
Is this "pagination"? If so there are much better ways of doing it.
Also (if pagination), why do SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS every time? That is part of what is killing performance. No, I'll take that back "ORDER BY rate DESC, time DESC" forces you to look through all the 'p%' words anyway.