1) Download mysql++-3.0.9.tar.gz (2.6 MB, 2009.02.04) (http://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/)
2) Use 7-zip to extract twice on the tar.gz
3) Rename folder to “MySQL++” and move this folder to C:\
4) Open MySQL ++ folder and double click install.exe
5) Check Segregate native C++ library builds from C++/CLI (CLR) builds and libraries by platform, then click Install Now.
6) Download mysql-5.0.77 ZIP/Setup.EXE (must be winx86 not winx64)
http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html#win32, and choose install complete not typical.
7) Download bakefile_0.2.5.exe from (http://www.bakefile.org) , and install it.
a. Then open CMD, go to C:\ MySQL ++\
b. Then types “rebake” and enter.
8) Open Visual Studio 2008, Create new Win32 Console Application, then go to tool -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories
a. Executable files, add “C:\ Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin”
b. Include files, add “C:\ MySQL ++\include and D:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\include”
c. Library files, add “C:\ MySQL ++\lib”
9) Right click on Solution project and select Property -> Linker -> Input, and then add “mysqlpp_d.lib” in Additional Dependencies.
10) Go to CMD C:\ MySQL ++\, enter “exrun resetdb –u root –p yourpassword”
11) Then open mysql++.sln in C:\ MySQL ++\vc2008\ folder, and rebuild it
12) Go to CMD C:\ MySQL ++\vc2008\debug and type “simple1 –u root –p yourpassword” then it will compiled and get output.