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Problem with VS2008 and C++ Connector
Posted by: Sami Kallio
Date: June 16, 2009 10:22AM

I can't seem to get my Windows client to connect to my Linux server (MySQL 5.0.75-Ubuntu 10.2). For some reason even the Driver output seems incorrect so maybe I'm using wrong DLL versions? I installed MySQL 5.1 for this developer machine to get the Windows libmysql.dll.

I tried to compile in Unicode, Multibyte and Not Set modes for 'Character Set'.

Simple piece of code:

if ((m_driver = get_driver_instance()) == NULL) return false;
cout << m_driver->getName() << endl;
cout << m_driver->getMajorVersion() << "." << m_driver->getMinorVersion() << "." << m_driver->getPatchVersion() << endl;

Windows output:

▲ ▼ ☺

Linux output:

MySQL Connector C++ (libmysql)

Any ideas?

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Problem with VS2008 and C++ Connector
June 16, 2009 10:22AM

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