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The driver crash when calling driver->connect
Posted by: Laurent Duroisin
Date: November 27, 2020 03:06PM

Hi, I want to connect to a database using the cpp connector but the program crash when I'm trying to connect to the database :

sql::Driver* driver = get_driver_instance();
std::cout<<driver->getMajorVersion()<<","<<driver->getMinorVersion()<<std::endl<<"name : "<<driver->getName()<<std::endl;
if (driver == nullptr)
std::cout<<"failed to get driver"<<std::endl;
sql::Connection* con = driver->connect("tcp://", "root",password);
if (con == nullptr)
std::cout<<"failed to connect to database"<<std::endl;

And the returning version is strange, version major is 0, version minor is 22 and name is empty.
And when I use sql::mysql::MySQL_Driver = sql::mysql::get_mysql_driver_instance I get an undefined reference error to sql::mysql::get_driver_instance.

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