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Re: Error on refresh data
Posted by: Oliver Busa
Date: January 10, 2018 03:06AM

Dear Javier,

Thanks for the feedback.
Indeed I think it is a bug and I might found the issue yesterday.
It seems to be related to renaming of Excel sheets after import of data. I was able to fix the connection by renaming the sheet back to it's original name. I noticed strange entries within the xml content of the xlsx-file located in .\customXml\ comparing working and non-working sheets.

By modifying the XML attributes WorkbookName= and WorksheetName= of the element <ArrayOfImportConnectionInfo> it worked as well.

It looks like that those values are not updated if renaming occurs in Excel.

Are these the values where you store the data now?
Does this sounds reasonable?



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December 13, 2017 07:50AM
January 09, 2018 06:36PM
Re: Error on refresh data
January 10, 2018 03:06AM
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