Re: Help - complex joins
If MySQL complains it can't parse `employee`, it's because the From clause aliases that table tblTier3.
If Tier1..2..3..ID values do not map 1:1 ie uniquely to Tier1..2..3Val values, your query will return arbitrary values for Tier1..2..3Val, so your query needs ...
GROUP BY Tier1ID, Tier1Val, Tier2ID, Tier2Val, Tier3ID Tier3Val;
> I can't specify both the AttributionID and the EmployeeID in the same join,
Why not? Let's see the results of ...
Show Create Table answers;
Show Create Table attrib_organization_rl;
Show Create Table attrib_division_rl;
Show Create Table employees;
Show Create Table division;
Show Create Table organization;
> I really need the division to organization and the organization to employee to be left joins too.
Because attrib_organization_rl refers to non-existent employee rows? Better practice would be to clean up the data first.
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Re: Help - complex joins
May 29, 2020 01:07PM
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