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replication queries
Posted by: ian diddams
Date: May 04, 2021 01:16AM

curting long stories short, a copuple of quieries

1) can automysqlbackups be made in such a way they contain the amster host starus for subseuqent import ojn a slave

2) if the master host status is known at the time of a dump, can that dump be used eg 12 hours later for an import and setup, such that replication will just work and catch up with the subsequent transactions on live [ I say it will, a colleage says it wont :-) ]

3) Can the dumps from master be done as "no data" (much quicker to dump) and used to set up replication and them ALL data becomes replicated as a result?


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replication queries
May 04, 2021 01:16AM
May 04, 2021 01:18AM

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