Wrong number of items afftected, No exception thrown when exception is expected
Posted by: Giorgi Dalakishvili
Date: September 11, 2023 03:27AM

When there is no row in the database that is affected by an update statement, SaveChanges still returns 1 and doesn't throw DbUpdateConcurrencyException.

Here is sample code

var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DemoContext>();
optionsBuilder.UseMySQL("Server=;Port=3306;Database=EFExc;User Id=demo;Password=secret;")
.LogTo(s => Debug.WriteLine(s)).EnableSensitiveDataLogging();

var context = new DemoContext(optionsBuilder.Options);

var product = new Product { Name = "Test Product" };

var changeCount = context.SaveChanges();
Console.WriteLine($"Inserted {changeCount} rows");

changeCount = context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw($"Delete from products where id={product.Id}");
Console.WriteLine($"Deleted {changeCount} rows");

var count = context.Products.Count();
Console.WriteLine($"Items in database: {count}");

product.Name = "G";
changeCount = context.SaveChanges();
Console.WriteLine($"Updated {changeCount} rows");

The row that is being updated is deleted by ExecuteSqlRaw call but context.SaveChanges() still returns 1 and doesn't throw DbUpdateConcurrencyException.

This is the output I get when running the app:

Inserted 1 rows
Deleted 1 rows
Items in database: 0
Updated 1 rows

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Wrong number of items afftected, No exception thrown when exception is expected
September 11, 2023 03:27AM

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