Indy De wrote:
> Hi Josh
> - Is the native downloadable ADO.NET provider the
> only way to connect the MySQL from .NET apps?
I would expect without knowing that .NET apps can connect to ODBC providers.
A quick google got me this:
Imports System.Data.Odbc
Dim oODBCConnection As OdbcConnection
> - Are there any performance differences between
> ODBC and the native .NET connector. I am assuming
> that the later will be faster.
I would expect the .NET connector to be faster, but I have no information
to this effect. I would suggest you repost your questions to the ODBC
and .Net forums for more answers.
> - Is the .NET connector available for both Linux
> as well as Windows server?
I would expect the .NET connector to run under Mono, but have no
information to this effect (not my area of expertise!)
Josh Chamas
Director, Professional Services
MySQL Inc.,
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