Re: Is this bug in MySQL Server 5.7.14?
Posted by: Мих ТехСпец
Date: March 27, 2017 12:33PM

You have error because string - "Наполная сетка багажного оо\тделения" with '\' char. But is it problem for LOAD INTO FILE command?

May be you you opened file in Linux.
I do all operation in Windows 10 64 bit. MySQL servers are 32 bit.

Showing some '�' chars is normal.
Lister from TotalCommander showing text file correctly. (It is need set: View/UTF8, View/ANSII)
Notepad++ showing text file correctly.
Microsoft Notepad showing text file correctly.

But it is only HEX editors can showing "Is file have character encoding problems".

Attached screen shotes

I have not any problem in MySQL 5.6. It is on MySQL 5.7.14.

Have tested now. If remove string - "Наполная сетка багажного оо\тделения" from file than MySQL 5.7.14 import file fully, correctly, and without error for all string including '�' chars. What is mean?

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