Re: Export tables with unicode column names failed
Hi Hamdy,
Are the characters in the generated query:
1: INSERT INTO `Integration`.`CCEJ_B_Base` (`C1_Base`,`C1_Base_Name`,`BO_Base`,`BO_Plant_Text`,`Updater_ID`,`Delition_Flag`,`Updated_Date`) VALUES ('146','列数','列数','列数','列数','列数',null)
the exact characters you see in the Excel Worksheet where you are adding the data?
You said that you compared with MySQL Workbench.
Did you run the exact generated INSERT statement in MySQL Workbench and when running a SELECT you get the correct characters back?
I am interested in knowing if that generated INSERT statement worked with your DB setup.
Normally the problem you are reporting is one related to either:
1. A wrong collation in the table, or if using the default, in its parent schema.
2. A wrong charset specified in the character_set_client or character_set_connection system variables. Are these set to a character set that supports chinese/japanese characters?
Best regards.
Javier Treviño
MySQL on Windows Team