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MySQL Community Server 5.7.22 has been released
Posted by: Jocelyn Ramilison
Date: April 19, 2018 07:08AM

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.7.22, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 5.7.22 is
recommended for use on production systems.

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.7, please see

For information on installing MySQL 5.7.22 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

MySQL Server 5.7.22 is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

MySQL Server 5.7.22 is also available from our repository for Linux
platforms, go here for details:

Windows packages are available via the Installer for Windows or .ZIP
(no-install) packages for more advanced needs. The point and click
configuration wizards and all MySQL products are available in the
unified Installer for Windows:

5.7.22 also comes with a web installer as an alternative to the full

The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
will need to be downloaded.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc.:

The following link lists the changes in the MySQL 5.7 since the
the release of MySQL 5.7.21.


Changes in MySQL 5.7.22 (2018-04-19, General Availability)

Compilation Notes

     * Sun RPC is being removed from glibc. CMake now detects
       and uses libtirpc if glibc does not contain Sun RPC. (You
       might find it necessary to install libtirpc and rpcgen to
       take advantage of this CMake feature.) (Bug #27368272,
       Bug #89168)

Deprecation and Removal Notes

     * These compatibility SQL modes are now deprecated and will
       be removed in MySQL 8.0: DB2, MAXDB, MSSQL, MYSQL323,
       NO_KEY_OPTIONS, NO_TABLE_OPTIONS. These deprecations have
       two implications:

          + Assigning a deprecated mode to the sql_mode system
            variable produces a warning.

          + With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, using CREATE TABLE
            or ALTER TABLE to add a TIMESTAMP column to a table
            produces a warning.
       Statements that use these deprecated SQL modes may fail
       when replicated from a MySQL 5.7 master to a MySQL 8.0
       slave, or may have different effects on master and slave.
       To avoid such problems, applications that use the modes
       deprecated in MySQL 5.7 should be revised not to use

Test Suite Notes

     * Reduction of compiler and platform differences in GIS
       handling of floating-point results enables simplification
       of related test cases that no longer need rounding to
       avoid spurious test failures. Thanks to Daniel Black for
       the patch. (Bug #26540102, Bug #87223, Bug #27462294)

X Plugin Notes

     * X Plugin connection attempts using the X Protocol did not
       return an error when the default database specified in
       the connection options was invalid, and the connection
       was allowed with a null default database. Connection
       attempts using the classic MySQL protocol did return an
       error and disallowed the connection. X Protocol
       connection attempts now also disallow the connection if
       an invalid schema is specified. (Bug #26965020)

Functionality Added or Changed

     * Replication: Changes introduced in version 8 which enable
       XCom to identify members using the concept of an
       incarnation have been merged in to version 5.7. These
       underlying changes add a UUID to members each time they
       join a group and this information can be used to
       distinguish among different member incarnations.

     * Replication: It is now possible to specify whether
       information written into the binary log enables
       replication slaves to parallelize based on commit
       timestamps, or on transaction write sets.
       Using write sets has a the potential for greater
       parallelism than using commit timestamps since it does
       not depend on the commit history. When applying binary
       logs in this fashion on a replication slave, it may be
       able to leverage capabilities of the underlying computing
       hardware (such as CPU cores) and thus speed up this
       The interface for choosing the source of parallelization
       is implemented as a new server system variable
       binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking which can take any
       one of the values COMMIT_ORDER, WRITESET, or
       WRITESET_SESSION. COMMIT_ORDER (the default) causes
       parallelization information to be logged using commit
       timestamps; WRITESET causes this information to be logged
       using write sets in such a way that any transactions not
       updating the same row can be parallelized; and
       WRITESET_SESSION acts in the same fashion as WRITESET,
       except that updates originating with the same session
       cannot be reordered. The size of the row hash history
       that is kept in memory for tracking transaction
       dependencies can be set using
       binlog_transaction_dependency_history_size, also
       introduced in this release.

     * JSON: The JSON_MERGE() function is renamed to
       This release also adds the JSON_MERGE_PATCH() function,
       an RFC 7396 compliant version of JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE();
       its behavior is the same as that of
       JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(), with the following two exceptions:

          + JSON_MERGE_PATCH() removes any member in the first
            object with a matching key in the second object,
            provided that the value associated with the key in
            the second object is not JSON null.

          + If the second object has a member with a key
            matching a member in the first object,
            JSON_MERGE_PATCH() replaces the value in the first
            object with the value in the second object, whereas
            JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE() appends the second value to
            the first value.
       This example compares the results of merging the same 3
       JSON objects, each having a matching key "a", with each
       of these functions:
       mysql> SET @x = '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }',
            >     @y = '{ "a": 3, "c": 4 }',
            >     @z = '{ "a": 5, "d": 6 }';

       mysql> SELECT  JSON_MERGE_PATCH(@x, @y, @z)    AS Patch,
           ->         JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(@x, @y, @z) AS Preserve\G
       *************************** 1. row ***************************
          Patch: {"a": 5, "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 6}
       Preserve: {"a": [1, 3, 5], "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 6}

       JSON_MERGE() is still supported as an alias of
       JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(), but is now deprecated and subject
       to removal in a future MySQL release.
       See Functions That Modify JSON Values
       for more information. (Bug #81283, Bug #23255346)

     * JSON: Added the JSON utility function JSON_PRETTY(),
       which prints an existing JSON value, or any string that
       can successfully be parsed as a JSON document, in a
       format that can be easily read by humans. Each JSON
       object member or array value is displayed on a separate
       line of the output; each child object or array is
       intended 2 spaces with respect to its parent.
       mysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY('123');
       | JSON_PRETTY('123') |
       | 123                |

       mysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY("[1,3,5]");
       | JSON_PRETTY("[1,3,5]") |
       | [
       ] |

       mysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY('{"a":"10","b":"15","x":"25"}');
       | JSON_PRETTY('{"a":"10","b":"15","x":"25"}') |
       | {
         "a": "10",
         "b": "15",
         "x": "25"
       } |

     * JSON: Added the JSON utility function JSON_STORAGE_SIZE()
       in the MySQL Server. This function returns the number of
       bytes used to store the binary representation of a JSON
       document, whether the document is presented as a column
       value in a table, as the value of a user variable, or as
       a JSON literal.
       This function, like many other MySQL functions that act
       on JSON values, also accepts a string that can be
       successfully parsed as a JSON document. For more
       information and examples, see JSON Utility Functions

     * SHOW CREATE TABLE normally does not show the ROW_FORMAT
       table option if the row format is the default format.
       This can cause problems during table import and export
       operations for transportable tablespaces. MySQL now
       supports a show_create_table_verbosity system variable
       that, when enabled, causes SHOW CREATE TABLE to display
       ROW_FORMAT regardless of whether it is the default
       format. (Bug #27516741)

     * If the server PID file is configured to be created in a
       world-writable location, the server now issues a warning
       suggesting use of a more secure location. (Bug #26585560)

     * Added two JSON aggregation functions JSON_ARRAYAGG() and
       JSON_OBJECTAGG(). The JSON_ARRAYAGG() function takes a
       column or column expression as an argument, and
       aggregates the result set as a single JSON array, as
       shown here:
       mysql> SELECT col FROM t1;
       | col                                  |
       | {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} |
       | {"keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"} |
       2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

       mysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(col) FROM t1;
       | JSON_ARRAYAGG(col) |
       | [{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, {"keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"}] |
       1 row in set (0.00 sec)

       The order of the array elements is unspecified.
       JSON_OBJECTAGG() takes two columns or expressions which
       it interprets as a key and a value, respectively; it
       returns the result as a single JSON object, as shown
       mysql> SELECT id, col FROM t1;
       | id   | col                                  |
       |    1 | {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} |
       |    2 | {"keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"} |
       2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

       mysql> SELECT JSON_OBJECTAGG(id, col) FROM t1;
       | JSON_OBJECTAGG(id, col) |
       | {"1": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, "2": {"keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"}} |
       1 row in set (0.00 sec)

       A NULL key causes an error; duplicate keys are ignored.
       For more information, see Aggregate (GROUP BY) Functions
       (Bug #78117, Bug #21647417)

Bugs Fixed

     * InnoDB: An incorrect compression length value in a page
       compression function caused hole punching to be skipped
       the first time pages are compressed. (Bug #27399897)

     * InnoDB: Attempting to create a temporary table in a
       file-per-table tablespace using CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE
       ... TABLESPACE syntax failed to report an error.
       Temporary tablespaces are only permitted in the temporary
       tablespace. (Bug #27361662)

     * InnoDB: A deadlock between background threads, one
       attempting to evict a full-text search table from the
       cache, and the other attempting to synchronize a table,
       caused InnoDB Cluster nodes to fail. (Bug #27304661)

     * InnoDB: Failure to skip predicate locks when releasing
       gaps locks raised debug assertions, as did failure to
       remove the supremum record bit prior releasing gaps locks
       on the supremum. (Bug #27272806, Bug #27294066)

     * InnoDB: A REPLACE operation on a temporary table raised
       an assertion. (Bug #27225649)

     * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that added a foreign key
       constraint referencing a table with generated virtual
       columns raised an assertion. (Bug #27189701)

     * InnoDB: Concurrent XA transactions that ran successfully
       to the XA prepare stage on the master conflicted when
       replayed on the slave, resulting in a lock wait timeout
       in the applier thread. The conflict was due to the GAP
       lock range which differed when the transactions were
       replayed serially on the slave. To prevent this type of
       conflict, GAP locks taken by XA transactions in READ
       COMMITTED isolation level are now released (and no longer
       inherited) when XA transactions reach the prepare stage.
       (Bug #27189701, Bug #25866046)

     * InnoDB: An online ALTER TABLE operation on a table
       accompanied by concurrent DML on the same table raised an
       assertion. An end-of-log check was not performed prior to
       accessing the DML log to determine the length of a
       virtual column. (Bug #27158030)

     * InnoDB: When the addition of a virtual index failed, the
       virtual index that was freed was not removed from the
       lists of virtual column indexes. (Bug #27141613)

     * InnoDB: Adding a virtual column and index in the same
       statement caused an error. (Bug #27122803)

     * InnoDB: A tablespace import operation on a server with a
       default row format of REDUNDANT raised an assertion
       failure. (Bug #26960215)

     * InnoDB: A stored field based on a generated column
       permitted the base column to have a NULL value. (Bug

     * InnoDB: Evaluation of a subquery in a resolving function
       raised an assertion. (Bug #26909960)

     * InnoDB: An incorrectly specified innodb_data_file_path or
       innodb_temp_data_file_path value returned a syntax error
       that did not specify the name of the system variable that
       caused the initialization failure. (Bug #26805833)

     * InnoDB: An online DDL operation that rebuilds the table
       raised an assertion when the last insert log record to be
       applied was split across two pages. (Bug #26696448, Bug

     * InnoDB: A RENAME TABLE operation that renamed the schema
       failed to rename full-text search common auxiliary tables
       that were left behind when the full-text search index was
       removed previously, resulting in a assertion failure when
       attempting to drop the old schema. (Bug #26334149)

     * InnoDB: An assertion was raised when a thread attempted
       to read a record containing BLOB data while another
       thread was writing the same data to external pages. (Bug
       References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #23481444.

     * InnoDB: InnoDB failed to account for a virtual column
       when using the column offset to search an index for an
       auto-increment column. (Bug #25076416)

     * InnoDB: An invalid debug condition caused a buffer pool
       chunk allocation failure, which resulted in an assertion
       failure when a purge thread attempted to access an
       unallocated chunk. (Bug #23593654)
       References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #21348684.

     * Replication: Group Replication conflict detection uses
       schema and table names as part of the Primary Key
       Equivalent (PKE) in order to detect and disallow
       conflicting transactions. The value of the
       lower_case_table_names system variable changes how schema
       and table names are stored and externalized, which
       depending on the configured value could persist a table
       named T1 as t1. Such a difference in a group could cause
       inconsistencies. Now, members must all have the same
       value for lower_case_table_names. (Bug #27401817)

     * Replication: Changing the Group Replication required
       settings incorrectly on online secondary members could
       result in an unexpected halt. (Bug #27317478, Bug

     * Replication: When a member is joining a group there is a
       chance of the request to join being rejected. If the
       rejection resulted in a retry, for example because the
       seed member being contacted was not in the group, then
       there was a possibility of the retry cycle continuing
       infinitely. (Bug #27294009)

     * Replication: When write sets are used for parallelization
       by a replication slave, the case and accent sensitivity
       of the database are now taken into account when
       generating the write set information. Write set
       information is generated when the
       transaction_write_set_extraction system variable is
       enabled. Previously, duplicate keys could be incorrectly
       identified as different, causing transactions to have
       incorrect dependencies and so potentially be executed in
       the wrong order. (Bug #26985561, Bug #88120)

     * Replication: When using group_replication_ip_whitelist,
       it was possible to configure a group so that it
       functioned even though all members could not establish
       the internal group communication connection to each
       other, resulting in inconsistent behavior. Now, incoming
       connections are accepted if the IP is in the white list
       or if the IP belongs to a current member of the XCom
       configuration. This ensures members are always able to
       create the internal network required for group
       communication. (Bug #26846549, Bug #27406775)

     * Replication: The statements CREATE USER IF EXISTS (or IF
       were written to the binary log even when the query
       resulted in an error. MySQL Server now checks for errors
       that cause these queries to fail (for example, an invalid
       plugin was specified), and does not log the statement in
       that situation. Note that if these statements succeed but
       have no effect on the master because the condition is not
       met, the statements are written to the binary log, as the
       condition might be met on a replication slave (see Bug
       #25813089, Bug #85733). (Bug #26680035)
       References: See also: Bug #25813089, Bug #85733.

     * Replication: For updates to virtual generated columns
       containing the BLOB data type, both the old and the new
       BLOB values are required by some storage engines for
       replication. This fix extends the same behavior to JSON
       and GEOMETRY data types, which are based on the BLOB data
       type and so produce the same issue when the old value is
       not stored. (Bug #25873029)

     * Replication: On a multi-threaded replication slave (with
       slave_parallel_workers greater than 0), the slave's lag
       behind the master was not being reported by the
       Seconds_Behind_Master field for SHOW SLAVE STATUS. The
       value is now reported correctly. Thanks to Robert
       Golebiowski for the patch. (Bug #25407335, Bug #84415)

     * Replication: When invoked with the options
       --read-from-remote-server and --hexdump, mysqlbinlog was
       not able to produce a hex dump of the binary log contents
       following an SQL statement that generated an
       autoincrement value, referenced a user-defined variable,
       or invoked RAND(). The event types for these events are
       followed by an informational row query log event, and
       mysqlbinlog caches the original event for printing when
       the subsequent row query log event is received. The
       pointer to the memory containing the original event was
       invalidated when the subsequent event was received, so
       the original data could not be accessed to produce the
       hex dump. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #24674276)

     * Replication: A number of changes were made to the binary
       log decoding procedure to improve handling of invalid or
       corrupted binary log entries. (Bug #24365972)

     * Replication: Following the introduction of binary logging
       for XA transactions WL#6860
       (, an
       assertion could be raised in debug builds during
       replication from a master with the feature to a slave
       without the feature, if MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1 was set on
       the slave. The assertion has been removed, so that debug
       builds now have the same behavior as non-debug builds,
       and can attempt replication of unsupported event types
       whether or not MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1 is set. (Bug

     * JSON: Queries that executed a JSON function that raised
       an error could cause a server exit. (Bug #22253965)

     * Upgrades from MariaDB to MySQL Community Edition failed
       on Fedora 27. (Bug #27484835)

     * Selecting from the Performance Schema status_by_thread or
       variables_by_thread table was not thread safe and could
       yield incorrect results. (Bug #27471510)

     * INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE could be handled
       improperly if a source table produced no rows. (Bug

     * The LDAP group search filter specified by the
       authentication_ldap_sasl_group_search_filter or
       authentication_ldap_simple_group_search_filter system
       variable is now more flexible about whether to insert a
       user name or full user DN. The filter value now uses {UA}
       and {UD} notation to represent the user name and the full
       user DN. For example, {UA} is replaced with a user name
       such as "admin", whereas {UD} is replaced with a use full
       DN such as "uid=admin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com". The
       following value is the default, which supports both
       OpenLDAP and Active Directory:

       Previously, if the group search attribute was isMemberOf
       or memberOf, it was treated as a user attribute that has
       group information. However, in some cases for the user
       scenario, memberOf was a simple user attribute that held
       no group information. For additional flexibility, an
       optional {GA} prefix now can be used with the group
       search attribute. (Previously, it was assumed that if the
       group search attribute is isMemberOf, it will be treated
       differently. Now any group attribute with a {GA} prefix
       is treated as a user attribute having group names.) For
       example, with a value of {GA}MemberOf, if the group value
       is the DN, the first attribute value from the group DN is
       returned as the group name. (Bug #27438458, Bug

     * Metadata from result sets for UNION ALL queries could say
       NEWDATE rather than DATE. (Bug #27422376)

     * Linux RPM and Debian packages now include dependency
       information for the Perl JSON module required to run the
       MySQL test suite. Linux RPM packages now include
       dependency information for the Perl Digest module
       required to run the MySQL test suite. (Bug #27392800, Bug
       #89250, Bug #27392808, Bug #89244)

     * When run in key migration mode, the server ignored
       invalid options. (Bug #27387331)

     * During configuration, CMake assumed that rpcgen was
       available rather than checking for it. (Bug #27368078)

     * The client authentication process could use memory after
       it had been freed. (Bug #27366143)

     * -DWITH_ZLIB=system could cause other CMake feature tests
       to fail. (Bug #27356658, Bug #89135)

     * Builds using RPM source packages now use a secure
       connection if Boost must be downloaded. (Bug #27343289,
       Bug #89104)

     * The audit_log plugin could write statements to the binary
       log even with binary logging disabled. (Bug #27315321)

     * For accounts that authenticated using the auth_sock
       authentication plugin, the server was unable to accept
       connections from clients from older MySQL versions. (Bug

     * An audit_log plugin memory leak was corrected. (Bug

     * audit_log plugin user-defined functions did not report an
       error on failures. (Bug #27300689)

     * LDAP authentication plugins were not built on FreeBSD.
       (Bug #27238252)

     * RPM and Debian packages listed openldap-devel as a
       dependency for the LDAP authentication plugins, but only
       for Enterprise distributions. They now list the
       dependency for Community distributions as well. (Bug
       #27232163, Bug #88789)

     * Adding a unique index to an InnoDB table on which
       multiple locks were held could raise an assertion. (Bug

     * For some statements, the FILE privilege was not properly
       checked. (Bug #27160888)

     * A multiple-insert statement on a table containing a
       FULLTEXT key and a FTS_DOC_ID column caused a server
       error. (Bug #27041445, Bug #88267)
       References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #22679185.

     * The audit_log plugin could mishandle aborts of event
       executions, causing a server exit. (Bug #27008133)

     * Installing and uninstalling a plugin many times from
       multiple sessions could cause the server to become
       unresponsive. (Bug #26946491)

     * An ALTER TABLE operation attempted to set the
       AUTO_INCREMENT value for table in a discarded tablespace.
       (Bug #26935001)

     * MyISAM index corruption could occur for bulk-insert and
       table-repair operations that involve the
       repair-by-sorting algorithm and many (more than 450
       million) rows. (Bug #26929724)

     * Dropping an index from a system table could cause a
       server exit. (Bug #26881798)

     * A prepared statement using CREATE TABLE ... SELECT led to
       unexpected behavior when it referred in a GROUP BY to a
       view having the same name. (Bug #26881703)

     * The server could dereference a null pointer while loading
       privileges. (Bug #26881508)

     * Some diagnostic messages produced by LDAP authentication
       plugins misleadingly suggested an error when no error had
       occurred. (Bug #26844713)

     * A server exit could result from simultaneous attempts by
       multiple threads to register and deregister metadata
       Performance Schema objects, or to acquire and release
       metadata locks. (Bug #26502135)

     * LDAP authentication plugins could fail if their
       associated system variables were set to invalid values.
       (Bug #26474964)

     * The thread pool plugin logged too much information for
       failed connections. (Bug #26368725, Bug #86863)

     * For debug builds, using KILL to terminate a stored
       routine could raise an assertion. Thanks to Laurynas
       Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #26040870, Bug #86260)

     * If the init_connect system variable was set, its contents
       could not be executed by clients with expired passwords,
       who therefore were prevented from connecting. Now, if a
       client has an expired password, init_connect execution is
       skipped, which enables the client to connect and change
       password. (Bug #25968185)

     * Some memory leaks related to the LDAP authentication
       plugins were fixed. (Bug #25964438)

     * Dates using the YYYYMMDD format were not recognized
       correctly in a query meeting all three of the following
       The query performed a left join.
       A DATE column in the inner table of the join was part of
       a multi-column primary key.
       Every column in the inner table's primary key was
       compared with another value; this could be either a
       literal or a column value. (Bug #25949639)

     * Using the C API, when trying to execute an INSERT
       prepared statement with CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY set, the
       client hung. (Bug #25701141, Bug #85105)

     * Large --ssl-cipher values could cause client programs to
       exit. (Bug #25483593)

     * MySQL client programs could exit unexpectedly if
       malformed client/server protocol packets were received.
       (Bug #25471090)

     * Incorrect handling by the CONNECTION_CONTROL plugin of an
       internal hash led to spurious messages in the error log
       and eventual server exit. (Bug #25052009)

     * Conversion of JSON documents to string could be slow if
       the document was large and contained many signed
       integers. (Bug #24586888)

     * For debug builds, a missing error check on the result of
       a subquery that accessed a JSON value could raise an
       assertion. (Bug #22522073)

     * DO turned error signals into warnings. (Bug #17043030,
       Bug #69647)

     * The audit_log plugin did not log placeholder values for
       prepared statements. (Bug #16617026)

     * When an on-disk temporary table was created from an
       in-memory temporary table, the indexes remained
       uninitialized for the new on-disk table. (Bug #88601, Bug

     * When a stored procedure contained a statement referring
       to a view which in turn referred to another view, the
       procedure could not be invoked successfully more than
       once. (Bug #87858, Bug #26864199)
       References: See also: Bug #26627136.

     * A CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement with a UNION in the
       SELECT failed in strict mode for a DATE column declared
       as NOT NULL. (Bug #87711, Bug #27068222)

     * Prepared statements using nested sub-selects were not
       always handled correctly. (Bug #87484, Bug #26657904)

     * Manipulation of a value returned by the JSON_MERGE()
       function using JSON_SET() sometimes produced an invalid
       result. (Bug #80787, Bug #22961128)

On Behalf of the MySQL/Oracle Release Engineering Team,
Hery Ramilison 

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MySQL Community Server 5.7.22 has been released
April 19, 2018 07:08AM

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