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MySQL Cluster 8.0.22 has been released
Posted by: Balasubramanian Kandasamy
Date: October 19, 2020 10:03AM

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
    checkpointing to disk)
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication

  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
    and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http, Memcached
    and JavaScript/Node.js)

MySQL Cluster 8.0.22 has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !

Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0.22 (2020-10-19, General Availability)

   MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0.22 is a new release of NDB 8.0, based
   on MySQL Server 8.0 and including features in version 8.0 of
   the NDB storage engine, as well as fixing recently discovered
   bugs in previous NDB Cluster releases.

   Obtaining NDB Cluster 8.0.  NDB Cluster 8.0 source code and
   binaries can be obtained from

   For an overview of changes made in NDB Cluster 8.0, see What
   is New in NDB Cluster

   This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made
   in previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bug fixes
   and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 8.0
   through MySQL 8.0.22 (see Changes in MySQL 8.0.22 (2020-10-19, General Availability)

     * Deprecation and Removal Notes

     * Backup Notes

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

Deprecation and Removal Notes

     * NDB Client Programs: Effective with this release, the
       MySQL NDB Cluster Auto-Installer ( has been
       deprecated and is subject to removal in a future version
       of NDB Cluster. (Bug #31888835)

     * ndbmemcache: ndbmemcache is deprecated in this release of
       NDB Cluster, and is scheduled for removal in the next
       release. (Bug #31876970)

Backup Notes

     * To provide protection against unauthorized recovery of
       data from backups, this release adds support for NDB
       native encrypted backup using AES-256-CBC. Encrypted
       backup files are protected by a user-supplied password.
       NDB does not save this password; this needs to be done by
       the user or application. To create an encrypted backup,
       use ENCRYPT PASSWORD=password with the ndb_mgm client
       START BACKUP command (in addition to any other options
       which may be required). You can also initiate an
       encrypted backup in applications by calling the MGM API
       ndb_mgm_start_backup4() function.
       To restore from an encrypted backup, use ndb_restore with
       both of the options --decrypt and
       --backup-password=password. ndb_print_backup_file can
       also read encrypted files using the -P option added in
       this release.
       The encryption password used with this feature can be any
       string of up to 256 characters from the range of
       printable ASCII characters other than !, ', ", $, %, \,
       and ^. When a password is supplied for encryption or
       decryption, it must be quoted using either single or
       double quotation marks. It is possible to specify an
       empty password using '' or "" but this is not
       You can encrypt existing backup files using the ndbxfrm
       utility which is added to the NDB Cluster distribution in
       this release; this program can also decrypt encrypted
       backup files. ndbxfrm also compresses and decompresses
       NDB Cluster backup files. The compression method is the
       same as used by NDB Cluster for creating compressed
       backups when CompressedBackup is enabled.
       It is also possible to require encrypted backups using
       RequireEncryptedBackup. When this parameter is enabled
       (by setting it equal to 1), the management client rejects
       any attempt to perform a backup that is not encrypted.
       For more information, see Using The NDB Cluster
       Management Client to Create a Backup
       as well as ndbxfrm
       --- Compress, Decompress, Encrypt, and Decrypt Files
       Created by NDB Cluster

Functionality Added or Changed

     * Important Change: The Ndb_metadata_blacklist_size status
       variable was renamed as Ndb_metadata_excluded_count. (Bug

     * Packaging: Made the following improvements to the
       server-minimal RPM for NDB Cluster and the NDB Cluster
       Docker image:

          + Added ndb_import and other helpful utilities.

          + Included NDB utilities are now linked dynamically.

          + The NDB Cluster Auto-Installer is no longer

          + ndbmemcache is no longer included.
       (Bug #31838832)

     * NDB Replication: Batching of updates to rows containing
       columns of MySQL type BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, LONGBLOB, TEXT,
       MEDIUMTEXT, and LONGTEXT ("Blob") by NDB Cluster. This
       affects INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements of either
       of the following types:

          + Statements which modify multiple blob columns in the
            same row

          + Statements which modify multiple rows containing
            blob columns in the same statement
       This is accomplished by greatly reducing the number of
       round trips required between an SQL or other API node and
       the data nodes in the replica cluster, in some cases by a
       factor of 10 or more.
       Other SQL statements may also see performance benefits
       from these improvements. Such statements include LOAD
       DATA INFILE and CREATE TABLE ... SELECT ... when acting
       on tables containing one or more Blob columns. In
       addition, an ALTER TABLE ... ENGINE = NDB statement which
       changes the storage engine of a table that previously
       used one other than NDB and that contains one or more
       Blob columns may also execute more efficiently than
       before this enhancement was implemented.
       The performance of some SQL statements which update Blob
       columns is not noticeably improved by this enhancement,
       due to the fact that they require scans of table Blob
       columns, which breaks up batching. Such statements
       include those of the types listed here:

          + A SELECT which filters rows by matching on a primary
            key or unique key column which uses a Blob type

          + An UPDATE or DELETE using a WHERE condition which
            does not depend on a unique value

          + A copying ALTER TABLE statement on a table which
            already used the NDB storage engine prior to
            executing the statement
       Statements modifying only columns of types TINYBLOB or
       TINYTEXT (or both) are not affected by this enhancement.
       To take maximum advantage of this improvement, you must
       enable slave_allow_batching. It is also recommended that
       you increase the values used with the --ndb-batch-size
       and --ndb-blob-write-batch-bytes MySQL server options to
       minimize the number of round trips required by the
       replica cluster to apply epoch transactions. (Bug

     * Added the CMake option -NDB_UTILS_LINK_DYNAMIC, to allow
       dynamic linking of NDB utilities with ndbclient. (Bug

     * IPv6 addressing is now supported for connections to
       management and data nodes, including connections between
       management and data nodes with SQL nodes. For IPv6
       addressing to work, the operating platform and network on
       which the cluster is deployed must support IPv6. Hostname
       resolution to IPv6 addresses must be provided by the
       operating platform (this is the same as when using IPv4
       Mixing IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the same cluster is not
       recommended, but this can be made to work in either of
       the following cases, provided that --bind-address is not
       used with mgmd:

          + Management node configured with IPv6, data nodes
            configured with IPv4: This works if the data nodes
            are started with --ndb-connectstring set to the IPv4
            address of the management nodes.

          + Management node configured with IPv4, data nodes
            configured with IPv6: This works if the data nodes
            are started with --ndb-connectstring set to the IPv6
            address of the management node.
       When upgrading from an NDB version that does not support
       IPv6 addressing to a version that does so, it is
       necessary that the network already support both IPv4 and
       IPv6. The software upgrade must be performed first; after
       this, you can update the IPv4 addresses used in the
       config.ini configuration file with the desired IPv6
       addresses. Finally, in order for the configuration
       changes to take effect, perform a system restart of the

Bugs Fixed

     * Important Change; NDB Cluster APIs: The NDB Cluster
       adapter for Node.js was built against an obsolete version
       of the runtime. Now it is built using Node.js 12.18.3,
       and only that version or a later version of Node.js is
       supported by NDB. (Bug #31783049)

     * Important Change: In order to synchronize excluded
       metadata objects, it was necessary to correct the
       underlying issue, if any, and then trigger the
       synchronization of the objects again. This could be
       achieved though discovery of individual tables, which
       does not scale well with an increase in the number of
       tables and SQL nodes. It could also be done by by
       reconnecting the SQL node to the cluster, but doing so
       also incurs extra overhead.
       To fix this issue, the list of database objects excluded
       due to synchronization failure is cleared when
       ndb_metadata_sync is enabled by the user. This makes all
       such objects eligible for synchronization in the
       subsequent detection run, which simplifies retrying the
       synchronization of all excluded objects.
       This fix also removes the validation of objects to be
       retried which formerly took take place at the beginning
       of each detection run. Since these objects are of
       interest only while ndb_metadata_sync is enabled, the
       list of objects to be retried is cleared when this
       variable is disabled, signalling that all changes have
       been synchronized. (Bug #31569436)

     * Packaging: The Dojo library included with NDB Cluster has
       been upgraded to version 1.15.4. (Bug #31559518)

     * NDB Disk Data: ndbmtd sometimes terminated unexpectedly
       when it could not complete a lookup for a log file group
       during a restore operation. (Bug #31284086)

     * NDB Disk Data: While upgrading a cluster having 3 or 4
       replicas after creating sufficient disk data objects to
       fill up the tablespace, and while performing inserts on
       the disk data tables, trying to stop some data nodes
       caused others to exit improperly. (Bug #30922322)

     * NDB Replication: On Unix-based operating systems, binary
       logs can be flushed by sending a SIGHUP signal to the
       server, but NDBCLUSTER expected one of the SQL statements
       FLUSH, RESET, or SHOW BINLOG EVENTS only. (Bug #31242689)

     * NDB Cluster APIs: It was possible to make invalid
       sequences of NDB API method calls using blobs. This was
       because some method calls implicitly cause transaction
       execution inline, to deal with blob parts and other
       issues, which could cause user-defined operations not to
       be handled correctly due to the use of a method executing
       operations relating to blobs while there still
       user-defined blob operations pending. Now in such cases,
       NDB raises a new error 4558 Pending blob operations must
       be executed before this call. (Bug #27772916)

     * ndb_restore --remap-column did not handle columns
       containing NULL values correctly. Now any offset
       specified by the mapping function used with this option
       is not applied to NULL, so that NULL is preserved as
       expected. (Bug #31966676)

     * In some cases following an upgrade from a version of NDB
       Cluster previous to 8.0.18 to a later one, writing the
       sysfile (see NDB Cluster Data Node File System Directory
       and reading back from it
       did not work correctly. This could occur when explicit
       node group assignments to data nodes had been made (using
       the NodeGroup parameter); it was possible for node group
       assignments to change spontaneously, and even possible
       for node groups not referenced in the configuration file
       to be added. This was due to issues with version 2 of the
       sysfile format introduced in NDB 8.0.18. (Bug #31828452)
       References: See also: Bug #31726653.

     * After encountering the data node in the configuration
       file which used NodeGroup=65536, the management server
       stopped assigning data nodes lacking an explicit
       NodeGroup setting to node groups. (Bug #31825181)

     * Data nodes in certain cases experienced fatal memory
       corruption in the PGMAN kernel block due to an invalid
       assumption that pages were 32KB aligned, when in fact
       they are normally aligned to the system page size (4096
       or 8192 bytes, depending on platform). (Bug #31768450,
       Bug #31773234)

     * Fixed a misspelled define introduced in NDB 8.0.20 which
       made an internal function used to control adaptive
       spinning non-operational. (Bug #31765660)

     * When executing undo log records during undo log recovery
       it was possible when hitting a page cache miss to use the
       previous undo log record multiple times. (Bug #31750627)

     * When an SQL node or cluster shutdown occurred during
       schema distribution while the coordinator was still
       waiting for the participants, the schema distribution was
       aborted halfway but any rows in ndb_schema_result related
       to this schema operation were not cleared. This left open
       the possibility that these rows might conflict with a
       future reply from a participant if a DDL operation having
       the same schema operation ID originated from a client
       using the same node ID.
       To keep this from happening, we now clear all such rows
       in ndb_schema_result during NDB binary log setup. This
       assures that there are no DDL distributions in progress
       and any rows remaining in the ndb_schema_result table are
       already obsolete. (Bug #31601674)

     * Help output from the MySQL Cluster Auto-Installer
       displayed incorrect version information. (Bug #31589404)

     * In certain rare circumstances, NDB missed checking for
       completion of a local checkpoint, leaving it uncompleted,
       which meant that subsequent local checkpoints could not
       be executed. (Bug #31577633)

     * A data definition statement can sometimes involve reading
       or writing of multiple rows (or both) from tables;
       NDBCLUSTER starts an NdbTransaction to perform these
       operations. When such a statement was rolled back,
       NDBCLUSTER attempted to roll back the schema change
       before rolling back the NdbTransaction and closing it;
       this led to the rollback hanging indefinitely while the
       cluster waited for the NdbTransaction object to close
       before it was able to roll back the schema change.
       Now in such cases, NDBCLUSTER rolls back the schema
       change only after rolling back and closing any open
       NdbTransaction associated with the change. (Bug

     * Adding a new user was not always synchronized correctly
       to all SQL nodes when the NDB_STORED_USER privilege was
       granted to the new user. (Bug #31486931)

     * In some cases, QMGR returned conflicting NDB engine and
       MySQL server version information, which could lead to
       unplanned management node shutdown. (Bug #31471959)

     * SUMA on a node that is starting up should not send a
       DICT_UNLOCK_ORD signal to the DICT block on the master
       node until both all SUMA_HANDOVER_REQ signals sent have
       had SUMA_HANDOVER_CONF signals sent in response, and
       every switchover bucket set up on receiving a
       SUMA_HANDOVER_CONF has completed switchover. In certain
       rare cases using NoOfReplicas > 2, and in which the delay
       between global checkpoints was unusually short, it was
       possible for some switchover buckets to be ready for
       handover before others, and for handover to proceed even
       though this was the case. (Bug #31459930)

     * Attribute ID mapping needs to be performed when reading
       data from an NDB table using indexes or a primary key
       whose column order is different than that of the table.
       For unique indexes, a cached attribute ID map is created
       when the table is opened, and is then used for each
       subsequent read, but for primary key reads, the map was
       built for every read. This is changed so that an
       attribute ID map for primary key is built and cached when
       opening the table, and used whenever required for any
       subsequent reads. (Bug #31452597)
       References: See also: Bug #24444899.

     * During different phases of the restore process,
       ndb_restore used different numbers of retries for
       temporary errors as well as different sleep times between
       retries. This is fixed by implementing consistent retry
       counts and sleep times across all restore phases. (Bug

     * Removed warnings generated when compiling NDBCLUSTER with
       Clang 10. (Bug #31344788)

     * The SPJ block contains a load throttling mechanism used
       when generating LQHKEYREQ signals. When these were
       generated from parent rows from a scan, and this scan had
       a bushy topology with multiple children performing key
       lookups, it was possible to overload the job queues with
       too many LQHKEYREQ signals, causing node shutdowns due to
       full job buffers. This problem was originally fixed by
       Bug #14709490. Further investigation of this issue showed
       that job buffer full errors could occur even if the SPJ
       query was not bushy. Due to the increase in the internal
       batch size for SPJ workers in NDB 7.6.4 as part of work
       done to implement use of multiple fragments when sending
       SCAN_FRAGREQ signals to the SPJ block, even a simple
       query could fill up the job buffers when a relatively
       small number of such queries were run in parallel.
       To fix this problem, we no longer send any further
       LQHKEYREQ signals once the number of outstanding signals
       in a given request exceeds 256. Instead, the parent row
       from which the LQHKEYREQ is produced is buffered, and the
       correlation ID of this row is stored in the collection of
       operations to be resumed later. (Bug #31343524)
       References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #14709490.

     * MaxDiskWriteSpeedOwnRestart was not honored as an upper
       bound for local checkpoint writes during a node restart.
       (Bug #31337487)
       References: See also: Bug #29943227.

     * Under certain rare circumstances, DROP TABLE of an NDB
       table triggered an assert. (Bug #31336431)

     * During a node restart, the SUMA block of the node that is
       starting must get a copy of the subscriptions (events
       with subscribers) and subscribers (NdbEventOperation
       instances which are executing) from a node already
       running. Before the copy is complete, nodes which are
       still starting ignore any user-level SUB_START or
       SUB_STOP requests; after the copy is done, they can
       participate in such requests. While the copy operation is
       in progress, user-level SUB_START and SUB_STOP requests
       are blocked using a DICT lock.
       An issue was found whereby a starting node could
       participate in SUB_START and SUB_STOP requests after the
       lock was requested, but before it is granted, which
       resulted in unsuccessful SUB_START and SUB_STOP requests.
       This fix ensures that the nodes cannot participate in
       these requests until after the DICT lock has actually
       been granted. (Bug #31302657)

     * Backups errored out with FsErrInvalidParameters when the
       filesystem was running with O_DIRECT and a data file
       write was not aligned with the 512-byte block size used
       by O_DIRECT writes. If the total fragment size in the
       data file is not aligned with the O_DIRECT block size,
       NDB pads the last write to the required size, but when
       there were no fragments to write, BACKUP wrote only the
       header and footer to the data file. Since the header and
       footer are less than 512 bytes, leading to the issue with
       the O_DIRECT write.
       This is fixed by padding out the generic footer to 512
       bytes if necessary, using an EMPTY_ENTRY, when closing
       the data file. (Bug #31180508)

     * When employing an execution strategy which requires it to
       buffer received key rows for later use, DBSPJ now manages
       the buffer memory allocation tree node by tree node,
       resulting in a significant drop in CPU usage by the DBSPJ
       block. (Bug #31174015)

     * DBSPJ now uses linear memory instead of segmented memory
       for storing and handling TRANSID_AI signals, which saves
       approximately 10% of the CPU previously consumed. Due to
       this change, it is now possible for DBSPJ to accept
       TRANSID_AI signals in the short signal format; this is
       more efficient than the long signal format which requires
       segmented memory. (Bug #31173582, Bug #31173766)

     * Altering the table comment of a fully replicated table
       using ALGORITHM=INPLACE led to an assertion. (Bug

     * A local data manager (LDM) has a mechanism for ensuring
       that a fragment scan does not continue indefinitely when
       it finds too few rows to fill the available batch size in
       a reasonable amount of time (such as when when a
       ScanFilter evaluates to false for most of the scanned
       rows). When this time limit, set in DBLQH as 10 ms, has
       expired, any rows found up to that point are returned,
       independent of whether the specified batch size has been
       filled or not. This acts as a keep-alive mechanism
       between data and API nodes, as well as to avoid keeping
       any locks held during the scan for too long.
       A side effect of this is that returning result row
       batches to the DBSPJ block which are filled well below
       the expected limit could cause performance issues. This
       was due not only to poor utilization of the space
       reserved for batches, requiring more NEXTREQ round trips,
       but because it also caused DBSPJ internal parallelism
       statistics to become unreliable.
       Since the DBSPJ block never requests locks when
       performing scans, overly long locks are not a problem for
       SPJ requests. Thus it is considered safe to let scans
       requested by DBSPJ to continue for longer than the 10 ms
       allowed previously, and the limit set in DBLQH has been
       increased to 100 ms. (Bug #31124065)

     * For a pushed join, the output from EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE
       did not indicate whether the table access was an index
       range scan returning multiple rows, or a single-row
       lookup on a primary or unique key.
       This fix provides also a minor optimization, such that
       the handler interface is not accessed more than once in
       an attempt to return more than a single row if the access
       type is known to be Unique. (Bug #31123930)

     * A previous change (made in NDB 8.0.20) made it possible
       for a pushed join on tables allowing READ_BACKUP to place
       two SPJ workers on the data node local to the DBTC block
       while placing no SPJ workers on some other node; this
       sometime imbalance is intentional, as the SPJ workload
       (and possible introduced imbalance) is normally quite low
       compared to the gains of enabling more local reads of the
       backup fragments. As an unintended side effect of the
       same change, these two colocated SPJ workers might scan
       the same subset of fragments in parallel; this broke an
       assumption in the DBSPJ block that only a single SPJ
       worker is instantiated on each data node on which the
       logic for insuring that each SPJ worker starts its scans
       from a different fragment depends.
       To fix this problem, the starting fragment for each SPJ
       worker is now calculated based on the root fragment ID
       from which the worker starts, which is unique among all
       SPJ workers even when some of them reside on the same
       node. (Bug #31113005)
       References: See also: Bug #30639165.

     * When upgrading a cluster from NDB 8.0.17 or earlier to
       8.0.18 or later, data nodes not yet upgraded could shut
       down unexpectedly following upgrade of the management
       server (or management servers) to the new software
       version. This occurred when a management client STOP
       command was sent to one or more of the data nodes still
       running the old version and the new master node (also
       running the old version of the NDB software) subsequently
       underwent an unplanned shutdown.
       It was found that this occurred due to setting the signal
       length and number of signal sections incorrectly when
       sending a GSN_STOP_REQ---one of a number of signals whose
       length has been increased in NDB 8.0 as part of work done
       to support greater numbers of data nodes---to the new
       master. This happened due to the use of stale data
       retained from sending a GSN_STOP_REQ to the previous
       master node. To prevent this from happening, mgmd now
       sets the signal length and number of sections explicitly
       each time, prior to sending a GSN_STOP_REQ signal. (Bug

     * In some cases, when failures occurred while replaying
       logs and restoring tuples, ndb_restore terminated instead
       of returning an error. In addition, the number of retries
       to be attempted for some operations was determined by
       hard-coded values. (Bug #30928114)

     * During schema distribution, if the client was killed
       after a DDL operation was already logged in the
       ndb_schema table, but before the participants could
       reply, the client simply marked all participants as
       failed in the NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT and returned. Since the
       distribution protocol was already in progress, the
       coordinator continued to wait for the participants,
       received their ndb_schema_result insert and processed
       them; meanwhile, the client was open to send another DDL
       operation; if one was executed and distribution of it was
       begun before the coordinator could finish processing the
       previous schema change, this triggered an assertion there
       should be only one distribution of a schema operation
       active at any given time.
       In addition, when the client returned having detected a
       thread being killed, it also released the global schema
       lock (GSL); this could also lead to undefined issues
       since the participant could make the changes under the
       assumption that the GSL was still being held by the
       In such cases, the client should not return after the DDL
       operation has been logged in the ndb_schema table; from
       this point, the coordinator has control and the client
       should wait for it to make a decision. Now the
       coordinator aborts the distribution only in the event of
       a server or cluster shutdown, and otherwise waits for all
       participants either to reply, or to time out and mark the
       schema operation as completed. (Bug #30684839)

     * When, during a restart, a data node received a
       GCP_SAVEREQ signal prior to beginning start phase 9, and
       thus needed to perform a global checkpoint index write to
       a local data manager's local checkpoint control file, it
       did not record information from the DIH block originating
       with the node that sent the signal as part of the data
       written. This meant that, later in start phase 9, when
       attempting to send a GCP_SAVECONF signal in response to
       the GCP_SAVEREQ, this information was not available,
       which meant the response could not be sent, resulting in
       an unplanned shutdown of the data node. (Bug #30187949)

     * Setting EnableRedoControl to false did not fully disable
       MaxDiskWriteSpeed, MaxDiskWriteSpeedOtherNodeRestart, and
       MaxDiskWriteSpeedOwnRestart as expected. (Bug #29943227)
       References: See also: Bug #31337487.

     * A BLOB value is stored by NDB in multiple parts; when
       reading such a value, one read operation is executed per
       part. If a part is not found, the read fails with a row
       not found error, which indicates a corrupted BLOB, since
       a BLOB should never have any missing parts. A problem can
       arise because this error is reported as the overall
       result of the read operation, which means that mysqld
       sees no error and reports zero rows returned.
       This issue is fixed by adding a check specifically for
       the case in wich a blob part is not found. Now, when this
       occurs, overwriting the row not found error with
       corrupted blob, which causes the originating SELECT
       statement to fail as expected. Users of the NDB API
       should be aware that, despite this change, the
       NdbBlob::getValue() method continues to report the error
       as row not found in such cases. (Bug #28590428)

     * Data nodes did not start when the RealtimeScheduler
       configuration parameter was set to 1. This was due to the
       fact that index builds during startup are performed by
       temporarily diverting some I/O threads for use as index
       building threads, and these threads inherited the
       realtime properties of the I/O threads. This caused a
       conflict (treated as a fatal error) when index build
       thread specifications were checked to ensure that they
       were not realtime threads. This is fixed by making sure
       that index build threads are not treated as realtime
       threads regardless of any settings applying to their host
       I/O threads, which is as actually intended in their
       design. (Bug #27533538)

     * Using an in-place ALTER TABLE to drop an index could lead
       to the unplanned shutdown of an SQL node. (Bug #24444899)

     * As the final step when executing ALTER TABLE ...
       ALGORITHM=INPLACE, NDBCLUSTER performed a read of the
       table metadata from the NDB dictionary, requiring an
       extra round trip between the SQL nodes and data nodes,
       which unnecessarily both slowed down execution of the
       statement and provided an avenue for errors which
       NDBCLUSTER was not prepared to handle correctly. This
       issue is fixed by removing the read of NDB table metadata
       during the final phase of executing an in-place ALTER
       TABLE statement. (Bug #99898, Bug #31497026)

     * A memory leak could occur when preparing an NDB table for
       an in-place ALTER TABLE. (Bug #99739, Bug #31419144)

     * Added the AllowUnresolvedHostNames configuration
       parameter. When set to true, this parameter overrides the
       fatal error normally raised when ndb_mgmd cannot connect
       to a given host name, allowing startup to continue and
       generating only a warning instead. To be effective, the
       parameter must be set in the cluster global configuration
       file's [tcp default] section.

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Engineering Team,
Balasubramanian Kandasamy

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Written By
MySQL Cluster 8.0.22 has been released
October 19, 2020 10:03AM

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