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MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.22 has been released
Posted by: Jocelyn Ramilison
Date: October 19, 2020 11:02AM

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.22 is a new release version of the MySQL
Connector/C++ 8.0 series.

Connector/C++ 8.0 can be used to access MySQL implementing Document
Store or in a traditional way, using SQL queries. It allows writing
both C++ and plain C applications using X DevAPI and X DevAPI for C.
It also supports the legacy API of Connector/C++ 1.1 based on JDBC4.

To learn more about how to write applications using X DevAPI, see
"X DevAPI User Guide" at

See also "X DevAPI Reference" at

and "X DevAPI for C Reference" at

For generic information on using Connector/C++ 8.0, see

For general documentation about how to get started using MySQL
as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.22, see the "General Availability (GA)
Releases" tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.22 (2020-10-19, General Availability)

Compilation Notes

     * Connector/C++ now can be compiled using MinGW on Windows.
       Thanks to Eric Beuque for the contribution. Note that
       this enables building on MinGW but does not make MinGW an
       officially supported platform for Connector/C++. (Bug
       #31636723, Bug #100248)

Connection Management Notes

     * For connections made using X Plugin, Connector/C++ now
       enables specifying the compression algorithms to be used
       for connections that use compression. Connection URIs and
       SessionSettings objects permit explicitly specifying the
       preferred algorithms:

          + URI strings permit a compression-algorithms option.
            The value is an algorithm name, or a list of one or
            more comma-separated algorithms specified as an
            array. Examples:

          + SessionSettings objects permit a
            SessionOption::COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS option. The
            value is a list of one or more comma-separated
            algorithms. Examples:
            mysqlx::Session sess(SessionOption::USER, "user_name",
                     SessionOption::PWD, "password",
                     SessionOption::COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS, "lz4");
            mysqlx::Session sess(SessionOption::USER, "user_name",
                     SessionOption::PWD, "password",
                     SessionOption::COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS, "lz4,zstd_stream");

            Alternatively, the algorithms value can be given as
            a container:
            std::list<std::string> algorithms = {"lz4","zstd_stream"};
            mysqlx::Session sess(SessionOption::USER, "user_name",
                     SessionOption::PWD, "password",
                     SessionOption::COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS, algorithms);

          + For X DevAPI for C, there is a new
            corresponding OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS helper
            URI mode follows X DevAPI URI mode:
            mysqlx_session_t *sess = mysqlx_get_session_from_url(
            "mysqlx://user:password@host:port/db?compression-algorithms=[lz4,zstd_stream]", &error);

            Option mode follows the string format used for

       These rules apply:

          + Permitted algorithm names are zstd_stream,
            lz4_message, and deflate_stream, and their aliases
            zstd, lz4, and deflate. Names are case-insensitive.
            Unknown names are ignored.

          + Compression algorithms options permit multiple
            algorithms, which should be listed in priority
            order. Options that specify multiple algorithms can
            mix full algorithm names and aliases.

          + If no compression algorithms option is specified,
            the default is

          + The actual algorithm used is the first of those
            listed in the compression algorithms option that is
            also permitted on the server side. However, the
            option for compression algorithms is subject to the
            compression mode:
               o If the compression mode is disabled, the
                 compression algorithms option is ignored.
               o If the compression mode is preferred but no
                 listed algorithm is permitted on the server
                 side, the connection is uncompressed.
               o If the compression mode is required but no
                 listed algorithm is permitted on the server
                 side, an error occurs.
       See also Connection Compression with X Plugin

Legacy (JDBC API) Notes

     * For applications that use the legacy JDBC API (that is,
       not X DevAPI or X DevAPI for C), Connector/C++ binary
       distributions now include the libraries that provide the
       client-side LDAP authentication plugins, as well as any
       dependent libraries required by the plugins. This enables
       Connector/C++ application programs to connect to MySQL
       servers using simple LDAP authentication, or SASL LDAP
       authentication using the SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication
       LDAP authentication requires use of a server from a MySQL
       Enterprise Edition distribution. For more information
       about the LDAP authentication plugins, see LDAP Pluggable
       If Connector/C++ was installed from a compressed tar file
       or Zip archive, the application program will need to set
       the OPT_PLUGIN_DIR connection option to the appropriate
       directory so that the bundled plugin library can be
       found. (Alternatively, copy the required plugin library
       to the default directory expected by the client library.)
            sql::ConnectOptionsMap connection_properties;

            // To use simple LDAP authentication ...

            connection_properties["userName"] = "simple_ldap_user_name";
            connection_properties["password"] = "simple_ldap_password";

            // To use SASL LDAP authentication using SCRAM-SHA-1 ...

            connection_properties["userName"] = "sasl_ldap_user_name";
            connection_properties["password"] = "sasl_ldap_scram_password";

            // Needed if Connector/C++ was installed from tar file or Zip archive ...

            connection_properties[OPT_PLUGIN_DIR] = "${INSTALL_DIR}/lib{64}/plugin";

            auto *driver = get_driver_instance();
            auto *con = driver->connect(connection_properties);

            // Execute statements ...


     * For applications that use the legacy JDBC API (that is,
       not X DevAPI or X DevAPI for C), LOCAL data loading
       capability for the LOAD DATA statement previously could
       be controlled on the client side only by enabling it for
       all files accessible to the client, or by disabling it
       altogether. The new OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR option
       enables restricting LOCAL data loading to files located
       in a designated directory. For example, to set the value
       at connect time:
            sql::ConnectOptionsMap opt;
            opt[OPT_HOSTNAME] = "localhost";
            opt[OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR] = "/tmp";

            sql::Connection *conn = driver->connect(opt);

       OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR can also be set after connect
            sql::ConnectOptionsMap opt;
            opt[OPT_HOSTNAME] = "localhost";

            sql::Connection *conn = driver->connect(opt);

            //.... some queries / inserts / updates

            std::string path= "/tmp";
            conn->setClientOption(OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR, path);

            // LOAD LOCAL DATA DIR ...

            //Disable LOCAL INFILE by setting to null
            conn->setClientOption(OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR, nullptr);

       The OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR option maps onto the
       MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR option for the
       mysql_options() C API function. For more information, see
       Security Considerations for LOAD DATA LOCAL

Bugs Fixed

     * String decoding failed for utf-8 strings that began with
       a \xEF byte-order mark. (Bug #31656092)

     * With the CLIENT_MULTI_FLAG option enabled, executing
       multiple statements in a batch caused the next query to
       fail with a Commands out of sync error. (Bug #31399362)

     * For connections made using X Plugin, connections over
       Unix socket files did not work. (Bug #31329938)

     * For connections made using X Plugin, the default
       compression mode was DISABLED rather than PREFERRED. (Bug

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Hery Ramilison

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Written By
MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.22 has been released
October 19, 2020 11:02AM

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